Weekend at the bench (updated)


May 15, 2009
Couldn't get out to shoot with a sick kid at home so I spent some time reloading, which was nice and relaxing too. Finally found some 52gr amax's to try in my 22-250 so I loaded up some varying charges using IMR 4895 & H380, CCI br-2 primers & nosler brass. I've been wanting to try these for a long time now but could never find them...I'm hoping they show the same accuracy I get using the 52gr SMK.

Then it was on to the 300 H&H. Loaded some 180gr accubonds over H 4831sc from 67.5-68.5 grains. And then just for fun I'll try the 168gr hornady amax.....should be a wicked coyote/rock chuck round!

Moving on up, I'm still working on some loads for the .338 lapua. I've got some continuing work loaded with the 285 hornady hpbt match & H 4831sc from 83-85 grains, and then a few more working with H1000 from 92-94 grains.

Should be a fun range session next time I get out!

From left to right: 22-250 52gr amax, 300 H&H 168gr amax, 180gr AccuBond, .338 lapua 285gr hornady hpbt
Dang that .300 H&H with the 180 gr AccuBond is a mighty good looking cartridge!

I prepped a little brass, did a lot of honey-do's and got out for a rough hike over the weekend. Hope your child is feeling better too.
Nice looking loads you worked up. Good luck at the range. Hope your child gets well soon.

Thanks guys, she seems to be feeling a bit better today....fever broke, so I'm sure she'll be back to normal soon!

Guy, I'm a bit bias but I have to agree with you...I think the 300 H&H is a damn sexy looking round!
Good looking loads. I agree with Guy, the old 300 H&H does look stately.
Those are some seriously sexy cartridges all...

Have fun at the range; I look forward to hearing a report.

Aren't those "bench weekends" fun?!?!?!?
Looking at the forecast it looks like I might be able to get out Sunday and get some shooting in...we'll see if that's at the range or at the forecasters.... :wink:
Well, made it out to do some shooting today as it turned out to be a spectacular day out! Even got to start out stalking up to 100 yards of a herd of 40 elk and sat and watched them mill about in the sun for about a half an hour until some local yocal came bumbling out of the brush 50 yards from them with his dogs onto my in laws property....sounded like my father in law had maybe given him permission at one point to be up there so I couldn't get too mad, but was still pissed that he ruined my zen moment!

Anyway, back to the shooting....last time out I had experimented with H4831SC and the .338 Lapua with hornady 285gr HPBT's and had a really good group using 83 grains so this time I loaded up five of them to see if I could duplicate that group. And, I think the accuracy is certainly there. For the five shot group average velocity was 2608, ES 11.79, SD 4.89! However, the group was a little puzzling as it was strung vertically which I wouldn't expect with the velocity being so consistent....could this be from the barrel heating up?

And then went back to working some loads with H1000 to see if I could find both speed & accuracy. Found one that looks promising with 92 grains. It averaged 2754fps with an ES 16.95, Sd 9.53.

Shot a very similar looking group at 93 grains but it was showing pressure signs and the velocity only increased by about 14 fps and the spread and SD increased as well. Had some loaded at 94 grains as well and thought better about shooting them but I also despise pulling bullets so figured what the hell....and velocity was 2826, 2819, 2814, but had to thump the bolt pretty hard on one of them to get it to open so it's definitely too hot!

Found one load that showed promise with the 300 H&H with the 180gr AccuBond with 68.5gr H4831SC which yielded an average velocity of 2874fps ES 9.56, sd 4.69. I pulled a shot on my group and without a bipod on this rifle was shooting off of my pack in a fairly uncomfortable position so accuracy was tough to judge but it looks promising....I'll be revisiting it from a shooting bench in the future. Anyone have advise on seating depth using accubonds? Do they like to have a bit of jump or snuggled in tight to the lands?

Anyway, it was a heck of a nice day in the sun and any day I get to burn some powder is a good day in my book!
I got a few guns that shoot them really good close, and a few that like them a ways off. My STW is .065" off, and my 270 WSM, and 280 AI are .015" off. My 338 WM is like .160" off.

Looks like the H100 could do the trick in your 338 LM. A bit of seating depth tweaking maybe? Were you shooting it off your bag in an uncomfertable postition as well? If you that could account for a lot.
I was shooting the Lapua off the bipod with a rear bag...was pretty locked in. Barrel is floated as well so I don't think I have a pressure point? It's not bedded, maybe that would help?

I'll have to try backing the accubonds off a bit and see what happens. They are .015 off the lands right now. Thanks for the tip.
I got a really stupid question for you guys on the AB. From what I have read it seems like the AB likes to jump a little bit on the belted mags and your standard shouldered cases. But on improved cases or ones with a sharper shoulder it seems like it shoots well being closer to the lands. Is this is case of headspace and concentitry being held to better tolerances by the shoulders of the case?
shoots_5":tb02k2ex said:
I was shooting the Lapua off the bipod with a rear bag...was pretty locked in. Barrel is floated as well so I don't think I have a pressure point? It's not bedded, maybe that would help?

That stumps me. I would have suggested that maybe you were not as exact on front bag placement, but since you were shooting off of a bipod, that's not it!
Your group with H4831SC could be stringing (the picture seems to suggest such to be the case). You can't, on the basis of one group, rule out that it is an artifact. You will need to shoot another set to rule out the possibility of an artifact. The fact that you don't obviously see something similar with H1000 would tend to rule out a pressure point. Again, it is impossible to tell without running a series of five such as you ran with the previous load. Your SDs suggest excellent technique on loading.
DrMike, the 3 shot group fom the time before was a vertical group as well if memory serves me correctly. Yup, just found that post, you can see it here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=18318

Any idea what causes a load to string vertically like that? 84 grains was a triangular group and 85 grains was again vertical. Haven't seen that type of group from any other powder with this rifle to date.

On a side note, just comparing data from last range session to this one...it was 38 degrees for the first session and this load averaged 2594fps for 3 shots, this session it was 56 degrees and it averaged 2608fps for 5 shots. Only other difference is the first load used virgin brass and second load was once fired & neck sized.
First of all, the change in velocity is not significant; the differential is so minute as to be inconsequential.

On the basis of the data you present, I would still be hard pressed to say that you are definitely stringing. The previous picture may suggest stringing, though the group is easily within normal distribution patterns. Moreover, it is a tight group that would be very pleasing for anyone. It is possible that your shots in the current test are falling within normal accuracy parameters. One question that might help, did the shots actually string, or were they random as you pulled the trigger. In other words, did shot two stack above shot one, show three stack above shot two, etc. Or did they randomly arrange. If they actually stacked, then it is probable that you have a pressure point at some juncture. It is more difficult to draw a conclusion is the shot distribution was random.
I wish I could answer that question with certainty....but I didn't record individual shot placement. I remember that shot #1 was one of the lowest 2 holes and shot #5 was the uppermost....don't recall the exact order of the middle shots well enough to say they stacked in order though. I want to say they did....but who knows.
Great shooting with the 338L.. What a hammer.

I would give the AB's some jump as well. I will start close and end up quite a ways off the lands most of the time. Sounds like a great load in your 300..