What are everyones plans for this fall?


Nov 4, 2004
I have a pretty banner fall planned that will start Aug. 1st and could go past the end of the year. I put the wife in for a cow moose tag (we'll get the results in the next 10 days or so) and she is getting my normal OTC cow elk tag so I can get 2 bull tags (1 resident and 1 non-resident). I'm putting in for a extra cow elk tag here in Idaho as well as a deer tag and a antelope tag. I'll probably buy a non-resident deer tag here too. Then I'm putting in for a UT cow elk tag with a buddy (I put in for points and had to buy a license so the cow tag is only about 220.00. The seasons are super long too). The same buddy and I are putting in for Coues deer in AZ down near the Mexican border for late November. It's going to be a busy fall big game hunting and I'm pretty excited but I might have to buy another freezer and give a ton of meat away if things go as planned.

What does everyone else have going on?
It all depends on the draw, both here in Washington, and in Wyoming...

But for OTC (Over the Counter) tags here's what's lined up:

September, Washington, family & friends on a spot & stalk black bear hunt.
September, Washington, archery mule deer for me.
October, Washington, rifle mule deer for my son.
October, Washington, spike elk hunt for my son and I.
November, Washington, whitetail hunt for my son - if he doesn't tag a mule deer earlier.

October, Wyoming, I applied for mule deer & pronghorn tags again. We will see!

Then there's pheasant & chukar hunting.

And the steelhead & salmon are running up the Columbia & tributaries...

I don't plan on doing much work this fall, just a lot of hunting and fishing! (y)

Best of luck to all the hunters here!

I have a number of OTC tags (black bear, mule deer, whitetail, elk and moose). I hope to spend time in the field near home with my SIL, John, and some of my grandchildren looking for these animals. I have a moose hunt planned with a good friend as we travel up to the border with the Yukon. BlkRam, his wife Susan and I are planning a hunt into a new AO that offers all the animals represented by the tags I now hold as well as caribou. The area is quite remote and somewhat difficult to access, so it should be fun. That should be a good hunt; we're sure looking forward to it. I should hear shortly if I was successful in drawing for grizzly. The odds are in my favour as I applied for an area that is undersubscribed because it is difficult to reach. So, that is quite likely to be on the agenda this fall. I've booked off time from the church so I could hunt, so I should be able to find my way into some previously unexplored territory. Here's wishing all on the forum a great season filled with memorable hunts, opportunities to enjoy new experiences and the prospect of new friends.
August 10 we add in some ptarmigan hunts, cast and blast days.
When we get back in early sept. We'll have a few days of pheasant and chukar hunts, morning only, in conjunction with the Pendleton round up.
The ranch is pretty well booked with pheasant hunts, deer and elk hunts. I'll be as busy as I want to until March with that.
Put in another point saver for antelope, and applied for deer and elk in Oregon. Won't hear on the draw until June 20.
I'll have bear and cougar tags in my pocket for targets of opportunity.
Guy Miner":2ryl8pyu said:
I don't plan on doing much work this fall, just a lot of hunting and fishing! (y)

You only live once Guy and you've already retired once so you might as well enjoy it. It's sounds like you have your time booked up pretty good. Hopefully the 2016 Hunting picture thread is loaded with tons of animals from everyone.


You don't know how bad I want one of my in-laws to get a hunting license for the required time so I can go hunting up there. I'll probably have to go to Alaska if I want to hunt moose and caribou again. Go luck to you.
Well our provincial big game draw does not close until May 25th so I am still unable to plan anything real concrete. My wife and I are planning a little adventure for the first 2 weeks of August as we plan on spending some time with a good friends DC & then on up to Terrace for a few days of river fishing for Salmon with another great couple :mrgreen:.
Hunting should be very interesting as there are 3 draws that we applied for :wink: our group is in the top selection pool for each of them. It looks like I am going to make another regular season for Elk & Whitetail. I have not seen the dates for Elk yet but have been advised that they are going to extend them because of the over abundance of the herds (awe that is to bad :lol:).
It won't be long until we are in the best time of the year and there will be plenty of stories with great photographs (y).
Remember shoot straight have fun & most of all be SAFE!!

nothing big planed this year . I'll be going to N. Carolina for whitetails , and just hunting around the house . I really need to go talk with a guy I know , he has offered me to hunt Idaho with him . he hunts elk and mule deer . I don't know if I'm to late for this or not . sounds like you guys have a good hunting season planned . good luck fellas !
The good news is the wife drew for her cow moose. :mrgreen: Looks like we will be eating moose this winter.
Applied for NDakota deer. Odds are not in my favor. Will hunt doves in Indiana, grouse and woodcock here in Michigan. Then rifle deer. May chase bunnies once snow hits. Nothing crazy this year
Applied for an drew Wyoming elk tag. Just entered for Oregon elk as well. Might be my first year of two elk. Pretty excited about it. Those tan skinned Devils really get my blood pumping.
IdahoCTD":1lezl4it said:

The drawing applications need to be in by June 5th. Some non-resident elk tag areas that have quotas are sold out already so it depends on where he hunts.

This tells you what is sold out.

https://fishandgame.idaho.gov/content/l ... ailability

thanks Nathan , I gotta go talk to this guy and see whats up . I put in every year for a Pa elk license , but I have a better chance of getting struck by lightening .
For open season hunts I have planned:

- Blacktailed deer in late August and the first few days of September with my wife. Both of our mom's are coming and will explore the islands, M and I will only hunt a bit each day and also spend time with our mom's.
- Mountain goat, day trips in August and a multi day hunt in early September after the deer trip. Will keep going with day trips until the snow pushes us out in the late fall. We hope 3 of us will tag out.
- Mule deer in late October or early November down in Kamloops with my friend.

For draws I applied for everything except caribou (which will hopefully happen next year). My wife only wanted to apply for moose and antlerless elk. I applied for moose, antlerless elk, mountain goat (a good draw as the open areas are just as good), grizzly, ewe bighorn, antlerless mule deer and bison. Have a decent chance at getting the elk, grizzly and goat draws the rest are much harder to get, especially moose.
Which bison hunt did you apply for, Gerry. Also, does this mean that you're coming over this way for elk? You have a place to stay.
I've got the usual caribou and moose hunting planned as well as targets of opportunity for bears and sheep. My partner and I might make a real push for sheep into a new area- low odds but the caribou are there in good numbers.

I'll make a more concentrated stab at ducks this year as well as my usual grouse and ptarmigan hunting.

New for me this year will be archery whitetail in TN and possibly archery blacktail deer on Kodiak if the schedules and piggybank line up.

Should be a busy, busy fall....just like I like it.
IdahoCTD":197crd3l said:
Did you draw a cow or a bull tag in WY Scotty?

Cow, could have gotten a bull tag this year, but I'm just going to add another point right now. I can't do anything with horns right now, so I'll put the bull hunt off another year.
I've reached the stage that a cow hunt is just fine. I'm still outdoors chasing the herds and the meat is so fine. Antlers have never cooked up quite as well. They get cut up and given to my daughters' dogs as chew toys after a few pictures.
DrMike":3r9zmkgg said:
Which bison hunt did you apply for, Gerry. Also, does this mean that you're coming over this way for elk? You have a place to stay.

For bison the southern zone for the first half of November. Maria can only get time off now in the new year since this year is booked so if successful in drawing for elk it would be January or February. Fishing is shaping up to be an early year with hardly any snow and no real run off to speak of. I certainly hope you can make it over for some fishing this year, should be good starting in June. There are already some reports of chinook being caught in the river now already.

Dan is planning on coming over for some fishing too which we are looking forward to. I'll see if he can firm up the dates since the summer and fall are rapidly filling up :)
Wow - some GREAT hunts planned here guys. Once again I'm really looking forward to seeing the phoots and reading the stories!
