What is P E T A


Mar 6, 2006
And all these years I thought it ment


JD, you'll love the past experience I had in a Winn Dixie Supermarket. In the past Florida had a large population of people who hunted and you never had to worry about negative comments in regards to our sport. Well, Winn Dixie also has a magazine section that sells a variety of shooting and hunting mags. I purchased a petersons hunting and went to the check out where a lady turned, looked at my magazine and said with some consternation in her voice "you don't hunt, do you. You don't kill animals. that isn't very nice." The woman behind the counter (about 50 years of age) looked at the woman who made the comment but said nothing. I then turned and said to her. " Yes I do hunt, but I also belong to PETA. She looked at me and said "Well, how can you hunt and belong to PETA. I then said to her "You really don't know PETA do you, It's People eating tasty animals." With that she grabbed her groceries and half ran out of the store. The cashier was laughing like crazy and other patrons were chuckling over the incident. I normally ignore people like her but it was just too good to pass up.
Good one. She must have run home to put her Mink coat away. :lol:

3 yrs ago at the hunting show, some PETA pals made the rounds at the show. They tried to be a PITA, but didn't have any success. W. MI is pretty big with hunting/fishing.

try vail colorado went there deer huntting wiht my bow mid sept killed a nice 4x4 sittl in velvet went to town deer in the back of my ford to get ice to put in him all these people come up and say it that real can i touch it finaly this one lady comes up and says is that real i said yea he is real realy dead
That's one cool photo. I have a couple of video's on ground squarrel hunting with a few shots that look that this. I have got a couple of coyotes with my 338 and 7mm mag and one that I wish i had on flim with my 30-387 mag with a 120 gr soft point. He was right at 350 yards going stright away. To say it was unreal would be tame.

PS Happies isa warm berrel and an empty box of shells.