What to scope this with?

I have a 6.5x20x50 AO Leupold on mine Fotis. I like it. As age creeps up and pounces on ya, the eyeballs just aren't as sharp as they used to be. Pretty well all of my shots have been at full power and long. It helps.
I had second thoughts and cancelled my order of the Zeiss.......

Not sure now
Myriads of options my friend.

This is the fun part!
You guys know I do not ever do 50mm's! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Plus the weight is awful. Probably will do leupy again....
Sorry no S&B for me!

I have to sell my vehicle to afford one.
FOTIS":1l8gral3 said:
Sorry no S&B for me!

I have to sell my vehicle to afford one.

Vehicles are highly overrated. You're supposed to walk when you hunt anyway! :mrgreen:
DrMike":3u2kqx19 said:
FOTIS":3u2kqx19 said:
Sorry no S&B for me!

I have to sell my vehicle to afford one.

Vehicles are highly overrated. You're supposed to walk when you hunt anyway! :mrgreen:

You could probably get a decent equity loan if your trucks paid off Fotis! :shock: