whats going on here


Aug 19, 2006
Hey fellas,

I received my new Nikon Monarch 6x24x50 and just went through the adjustment. The website shows it has 34 MOA adjustment, the paperwork shows 30 MOA and the actual adjustment i came up with is 40.125 MOA. Anybody here know for sure if there is a "standard method as how to measure adjustment"? My scope from bottomed out to topped out ran 321, 1/8 " clicks. Just wondering if i am missing something
Your math checks out with me.
I'm sure there's some variation scope to scope.
It looks like Nikon would rather under promise and over deliver.
It's hard to complain when its your advantage. I guess it's more of making sure i am doing the math and such right more than what is Nikon doing.