Whats Your Big Game Application Deadline?


Oct 3, 2006
What is the application deadline for your big game season license? Here in Colorado it is only 4 days away, April 7th. Based on last years success rate, or lack of, I'm strategically applying for all muzzleloader tags this year. Been studying the harvest and draw rates pretty hard the last few days on the DOW website...

I did the online application for a fourth season deer out by Grand Junction. I think I have enough points to draw it, if not it will be next year.

I am also waiting for Montana to do their thing on the elk/deer combo licenses, real soon now.

Deadline was going to be this month, but we decided to go for over the counter bull Elk and Mule deer in Idaho.

Good luck on that tag ! Would certianly be interested in hearing about your hunt if you draw. If it's that 4th season that requested 9 points don't forget a guy probably has much better chances of drawing since they just opened that for the 4th season deer last year....... :wink:


You know better than to wait till the last minuted to apply..... if the computers go down on their side....( like that's never happened before ) we're out of luck......( guess I had better get busy and take my own advice ) Come on SHEEP !!!
oregon is may 15th. but nonresidents only get 2.5% of the draw tags. we have a very bad system for nonresidents. the good point is we still have over the counter deer west of pacific crest and elk west of 97 tags
Powerstroke, I always apply by stamp and check. Don't trust that computer crap either! I've done very well this way in the past, however I do have one bear preference point from not drawing last year. HunterJim, if thats the area I'm looking at, it had a 78% successful harvest rate for bucks last year and 0 preference points needed to draw for muzzleloader. Thats one on the list plus another spot for elk. As much as I love my centerfires, I'm gonna be making white smoke this September. No playing around this year! I go TDY to georgia for 5 weeks and my class ends 2 days before the season here. Sure hope my plane is on schedule!
Washington - most special apps are due May 20 this year, earlier than normal.

Spring bear draw already happened, and I wasn't selected. :(

Wyoming deer apps already went in! Have my fingers crossed on that one. I love to get in a Wyoming hunt every few years.
Well I changed my mind a bit...I applied for muzzleloader buck for mid-september and a muzzleloader antelope license leading into rifle season. I will buy over the counter leftover and unlimited elk and doe tags later this summer when they go on sale and rifle hunt areas I'm familiar with mid-October 2nd season. The DOW is more concerned with revenue from license sales (out of state) than supporting quality game management for its residents. It is easy to see this when researching what units you can and can't apply for and how many years you have to unsuccesfully apply for certain areas with high percentage harvest rates.

To bring what I'm saying to light, I know an area that is just full of moose. In order for a CO resident to draw a $251 moose license, he must have a minimum of 3 preference points, but a non-resident does not require any preference points to draw a $1829 license.

Most GMU's with 50% or higher successful harvest rates for deer, elk, and antelope require anywhere from 3-15 preference points which equates to 3-15 years having to wait out (and send the state money each year you're sitting out).

Keep in mind, the cost of the license in your pocket only guarantees you the privelage to walk around the woods with a gun in your hands. So, to really up the odds of actually getting a quality animal, you pretty much have to hunt private leased land and lodging which costs up to several thousand additional dollars for a week of hunting.
April 7 did a online ap for a Colorado tag. First choice was for a unit 61 bull tag and second choice for a unit 62 cow tag but will most likely end up with an over the counter bull tag.