When to change tumbler media?


Dec 17, 2005
I have been using the same big Lyman tumbler since the late 1980s. It still functions fine. I don't remember the last time that I changed the corn cob media. I have the restoration liquid that I, on occasion, add to the media. I tumble brass for about 90 minutes. The media is getting more black dust in it, that shows up when I pour the media back into the tumbler. The brass that is tumbled looks okay, except right around the necks, where the dark color seems to linger.
How often do you change media in your tumbler?
Steven in DeLand
I don't own a tumbler, but thought this can be used as a comparison. I have found that RCBS crushed walnut media works best for my use in a vibratory cleaner. I change it about twice a year, but I clean about 3000 black-powder cases over a years time and they require a little longer run time to get that new look. Other smokeless-powder cases come clean in about an hour, 'cept for some 22-250 cases that remain darkened around the neck. I use H380 in them, so maybe that has something to do with it.

i change mine about once a year depending on how black and dusty it is and how much brass i have cleaned.
Whenever corn cob media ceases to clean and/or polish quickly, I change it. My time in my vibratory cleaner is about thirty minutes; there is little change in polish after that. For walnut shell media, I change whenever it begins to accumulate noticeable dust.
I don't track it but will venture that I change media every 10-18 months depending on my mood and the looks of the media.
I put some strips of anti-static dryer sheet in my vibratory w/walnut, it picks up a lot of the black.
elkeater2":1ureqi63 said:
I put some strips of anti-static dryer sheet in my vibratory w/walnut, it picks up a lot of the black.

Thats a great idea!

More Questions.

I'm using walnut media right now. Which is better, walnut or corncob?

Which media cleans quicker?

How do you tell when the walnut media is worn out?
Good questions cause those are the same I have. Media been in about 18 months and I run mine approx 12 to 24 hours to get my cases clean. My hands are very dirty when I get done so I'm assuming I need to change out media got 2 pounds sitting there!

I use walnut media for cleaning corroded cases. Corn cob media tends to polish. The lustre of the case following either media is decidedly different. After walnut media, the cases is a darker colour, whereas following tumbling in corn cob media the case is more highly polished.
i'm new to using this, i use walnut with a reddish additive.
do you have to wash inaide the case afterward to remove the red powder?
The jewellers rouge will not alter your burn rate. Make certain the neck is brushed to remove any loose powder and then lube the neck as usual before sizing.
DrMike":21gqjjue said:

I use walnut media for cleaning corroded cases. Corn cob media tends to polish. The lustre of the case following either media is decidedly different. After walnut media, the cases is a darker colour, whereas following tumbling in corn cob media the case is more highly polished.

Thanks Mike.
A good way to make your media last longer and polish the best is clean the brass first. Birchwood casey case cleaner reomves all sizing lube and all those little black particles from inside the case. Then throw em the walnut or corn media for polishing,not cleaning. Any sizing lube left inside the neck can have a detrimental effect on powder. I found that the local feed store sells walnut and corn media in large big sacks for a lot less money than the sport shop. :idea:
hubcap, What do you ask for in the local feed & seed stores? I want to try that. What are people using walnut and corn cob media for when they buy it from local feed and seed stores? Just wondering why feed and seed stores are selling these products. Corn cob could be used in feeds I guess, but walnut shell????
I have recently started buying corn cob media in fifteen pound lots from Frankfort. It is quite a bit cheaper.
Al in SC":2jp326u7 said:
hubcap, What do you ask for in the local feed & seed stores? I want to try that. What are people using walnut and corn cob media for when they buy it from local feed and seed stores? Just wondering why feed and seed stores are selling these products. Corn cob could be used in feeds I guess, but walnut shell????

Bedding material for animals I believe. Thats why pet shops have both also. Just smaller bags. Even wally world has walnut and corn cob.
In addition to static cling sheets as suggested above, I pour in some brass cleaner. It seems to help the dust cling to the sheets and makes the brass come out even better.
russ808":3fovlip3 said:
Thumblers Tumbler and never buy media again.

If you are talking about the stainless steel pins for media, I'm gonna give that a try one of these days. Might even order it next week so it's waiting for me when I get home.

I have some truly nasty desert pickup .223 brass that should be a perfect test.