Which powder would you stick with (pics)


Dec 2, 2010

110 AccuBond with RL19

110 AccuBond with IRM4350

Looking at these 2 targets, which one would you stick with for load dev and why? To me the RL19 shoots smaller groups but the IMR4350 is consistent and maybe with a little tweaking, might shoot smaller groups.
I'd be looking at another projectile.
It's been my experience that the projectile is more critical than the powder. Of course your results may vary and my experience is limited.
Just a thought, not sure your seating depths but, have you tried seating the bullets a bit deeper with the either powders, I've had better consistency across a few cartridges around .60 thous. off with the AB's for some reason.... maybe my rifles or ......? Hopefully others will weigh in on their experiences with AB seating depths also. I doubt my rifles are the only ones that like them seated deeper. The 4350 loads show some promise
I have not tried any deeper depths. I just tried two different powders and these are the results. I am just wondering where others would start.
wisconsinteacher":1sodysux said:
I don't know about giving up on the 110AB. Both powders get them close to 1 moa.
I didn't see that on my smartphone but the screen is small. [emoji4]
If you're close to moa then seating depth may bring it in for you. I've always managed to find a bullet, usually after much trial and error, that gave me something I could live with with a powder charge it liked. I've not had much luck with seating depth but as I said before, my experience is limited.

I also think the 3-hole punched paper adds to the target looking like there are bullet holes all over the place.
Apologies if my response wasn't enough, this method has been around a long time. I also use it and will share it you, maybe it will help out.
You may get better and quicker success by finding the seating depth a rifle prefers with a given bullet before tweaking powder charges and depths closer. You start with a middle of the road charge weight of a known good powder for that cartridge and seat 5 bullets each .30 thous apart across 4 depths.
For instance .10, .40 .70 and .100 off the lands. Usually one of these 5 round groups will stand out. IMHO, 5rd groups are a better indicator of a consistent load than 3. I don't know if you are using a chronograph since you didn't provide any velocity information however, once you've determined a good place to start with seating depth, you can incrementally work up your charge weights to a safe maximum and also determine the SD sweet spots and consistent velocity tied with accuracy.
You might also find it more expedient to vary the depths in .20 thous. increments, since you have already worked on some loads. Whatever you decide to do, I've found this to be a more economical and quicker approach to finding a accurate load.

Hope this helps,
BD1":aca8255e said:
Just a thought, not sure your seating depths but, have you tried seating the bullets a bit deeper with the either powders, I've had better consistency across a few cartridges around .60 thous. off with the AB's for some reason.... maybe my rifles or ......? Hopefully others will weigh in on their experiences with AB seating depths also. I doubt my rifles are the only ones that like them seated deeper. The 4350 loads show some promise

I'm with BD1. Work em back. Haven't found an AB that liked being closer than .040" yet, but then again, I haven't shot them all either, but I generally find what I am looking for further back.
Seat the AB deep and try going up in .5 grain increments. You're missing lots of good opportunities charge weight wise.
I would shorten the COL and shoot 3 of each of the new seating depths. Don't change the amount of powder and the seating depth at the same time. Work one variable at a time to see if your changes amount to anything.
Both show potential and both require further tuning. Either powder should work well for you. IMR 4350 is an older standby with lots of data options and has been much more available lately than any of the ATK powders. For that reason alone, I'd concentrate on IMR 4350.
I admit RL makes good powder, they shoot very well and give great velocities, but I will not use them again. I would put more effort in the IMR load. To each his own, however. This is just my opinion. I'm sure you will find success with either powder.

As a side note, I have RL powder; brand new never opened that I will sell. Have to go look and see what I've got though. PM me if you're interested. No intentions of hijacking this thread. I apologize this is off topic, just got my gears turning.
