Which rifle? Savage Predator max 1, 16fcss or a used one


Mar 10, 2010
I want to add another 260 rem. Which one should I get? I really like the looks of the predator but I am a little concerned about weight. I do like the idea of the 24" tube. The model 16 has also got my interest, will it shoot as good as the predator not having the heavier barrel. I may have also found a ruger stainless with less than a 100 rounds through it. Please give me your thoughts, likes and dislikes of each. reviews would be great if anyone has one. Thanks all
I have a 116 30/06 and I just traded for the Predator in .260, it is heavy. My 116 is .5-.75", so if you are looking to save weight I would roll with the 16.
have you got out and shot it yet? is the actual weight 8.5lbs? does it ballance well, i picked up a 6.5x284 and a 223 in the predator max-they felt pretty good. off course they are both slightly different in weight and length. let us know your thoughts
I handled a Pred Max in 243 and while being a little heavy seemed to balance pretty well. Plus, with all of the accuracy enhancing features, it seems like it would be a winner. The 116 and Ruger would be nice as well, but the Pred Max just screams to be shot LONG! Scotty
Nope, not shot it yet, it does balance well though. When it was in the shop it had a cheapo telescope for optics bolted to it, like a 6-18 or something. Just got finished tucking her in to her new safe.