Why do I want one?


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
A 348 Winchester.
Very limited brass ammo. Heavy, limited to open sites etc. Probably will not do nothing that my 444 Marlin and or 45-70 will not.

Cool factor?
because the 348 Win has a lot of cool factor.

Because they shoot extremely well, with peep sights, with short 20 inch barrels.. at 100 yards. That 3 shot group was as fast as I could pull the trigger, work the lever, get back on the bags and squeeze one off.

And they put big holes in big ( 267 pound) deer.

And they balance in the hand better than any rifle I have ever still hunted, tracked, stalked with. Period.

They look cool:

And quite honestly the stock design is in my opinion gets no better. Recoil with full power loads and a steel butt plate are actually quite bearable. Shooting off the bench is a breeze.
Adding to 6mm's comment above, I'll just say:

Because it's one of a very, very few you have not owned yet.

Key word being "yet."
FOTIS":3ddcpaz7 said:
A 348 Winchester.
Very limited brass ammo. Heavy, limited to open sites etc. Probably will not do nothing that my 444 Marlin and or 45-70 will not.

Cool factor?

I know the feeling Fotis. I have wanted one forever! I have the same as you, a 358, 444 and 45-70. Nothing the 348 will do better, but gosh darn what a rifle that Model 71 is... Just a bank vault built lever rifle.. It is at the top of my wants/needs!
The '86 frames Winchester has always had an appeal to me. Owned 8 of them from .33wcf to .50ex it is a true big game rifle..likewise the 1895 also. The 71 do have a few minor improvements. The .348wcf has a "thing" all the other commen calibers don't have...personality and individualty. It presents the last grasp of a time when Winchester was WINCHESTER..and everybody dreamed of owning one.
I will always be an old school Winchester man.
I sold my Winchester 71 deluxe a few years ago to a friend. :cry: He had to have it. It was accurate, and flattened everything that it was pointed at. I found it to be very pleasant to shoot. He turned around and sold it to someone else, as he said that it kicked the crap outta him. Grab one if you can find one. You won't regret the decision.
The Model 1871 would be a great rifle to own. The .348 is a grand old cartridge, that's for certain.
Winchester or Browning???????????/

Looking at the modern ones only. The older ones are super pricey....
Fotis mine is a Browning. Bought it NIB two years ago. They are put together very well and the action is really nice.
You want it because it is the ultimate lever rifle…. When you get it- punch it out to .450 Alaskan.

Now you're talking.