WI disabled hunt 2012


Dec 2, 2010
Well I was able to take a disabled vet out Sunday for an afternoon hunt. He hunted Saturday with a different guy while I took my wife bowhunting. On Saturday he shot a nice doe at about 130 yards with his 30-06. Sunday we sat in the same blind and an hour before sunset this nice little buck came by at about 50 yards. After the shot, the deer ran down the old logging road and died 6 feet from the ATV. We had 14 members in the disabled hunter program and most got at least a shot during the first 2 days. Most were able to get a deer. I think we shot 5 bucks and 8 does so far. My guy is done for the year and was very happy. It was fun to take him and listen to his stories. We did have a guy who is 100% blind shoot a spike buck at 41 yards with his 7mm Mag. He has a side mounted scope and his guide looks through it and tells him when to touch the trigger. We had great weather and the food was wonderful. The hunters that did not get a deer still have until the end of this weekend to get one.

That is a great post. Thanks for taking time to take a vet hunting.
As a disabled veteran I thank you!

Good on you.
Thanks so much for your time and effort for this hunt and the Guys who you hunted with. Can tell first hand how much it is appreciated. I was a guest of "Helluva Hunt" in Douglas Wyo. in 2006. IF you are not familiar, do a quick search. I came home with this goat- A most fantastic experience. Thanks again! CL

That is a fine thing to do to take a disabled Vet hunting. Anything that we can do to give back to those who have been disabled fighting for our country and our freedom is a great thing to do and give back to.

I gave my country three years of my life in the US Army Infantry as a Medical Corpsman and think that every American male should be willing if able to do so. It is the price of our freedom.

It is great to see these pictures. I am disabled now and know how it feels to be unable to do the things that you love outdoors. This is a wonderful gift for a Vet.
Awesome, awesome, awesome! Kudos to you for the hunt man, i do the same here in NE and enjoy every minute of it. One outstanding guy you are bud.....Congrats and thank you for what you have done.

Excellent job!
Great work WT! Way to go. Great hunt!

Looks like a nice buck as well.

Any good stories in the deer blind?
A few stories. One about gaurding a high ranking officials family/home while in Germany from some terrorist group in the 70's. He said he was there for 3 days and the family had no clue. We talked guns and he shared how he use to shoot on a .22 team in high school.

I did get a gift from the blind hunter in our group. He takes sheds and make zipper pulls/key chains from them. He cuts the tip off and drills a hole in them. Last year he gave away 4000 to members of the military so they could have something to remind them about hunting while away from home. He said they bring good luck. Well I put it on my day pack and within a few hours, we had a nice deer. It was fun and rewarding. I wish I had more time to help out. I am planning on helping with the ice fishing and Lake Michigan trips this summer. Thanks for all the kind words.