Wife's first deer


Oct 3, 2006
With just a few minutes before last shooting light and 8 deer froze in their tracks with our scent in their nose, my wife shot this doe, her first at 352 yards from my 7mm Rem Mag on 8x using 160 Partition. Stacey shot from the prone position with the rifle rested on her backpack with the cross hairs centered on the neck where it met the chest. The deer was standing to the right of the furthest bend in the two track. I took this picture a couple days later. The lone pine tree in line is 188 yards for reference. The deer sprinted like it was untouched but I found blood in the two track and it was laying dead about 15 yards down from it. The bullet hit the neck of the deer dead center and broke some ribs and lungs. The bullet didn't exit but I did not find it as it was dark and probably ended up in the organs or stomach. We didn't see any elk within shooting range but we both have whitetail doe tags good for 1-14 December and looking forward to getting some more meat for the freezer.

Congratulations to your good lady. That was a heck of a shot. You were in some lovely country, that's for sure.
Congrats on her first deer! Great that your wife enjoys this with you. Well Done on both counts. CL

Congratulations to your bride, she did great!

Congrats to both you and your wife, great photos and excellent story.

Look forward to hearing about the next hunt:)

Congrats to your wife! Man, I love that rifle she is holding! Hopefully she doesn't claim it as hers!

Great pictures and hope you are able to get on some more deer! Scotty
Congrats to the both of you. That was indeed a heck of a good shot. Your wife should be very proud. Heck I know guys that could not have made that shot, in fact I witnessed such an act last evening when I saw a guy miss a broadside shot at a lasered 318 yards.

Congrats once again, that is great.


PS that is some pretty country also.
Thanks for the compliments fellas! Scotty, I refinished and bedded a Browning Medallion 30-06 that shoots 150 Hornday BTSP under half inch to my dad for that M70 and included in the deal I promised to never part ways with that rifle... Little did I know that it would print 5 160 Partitions in the same hole at 100 or 5.25" groups at 400 yards. I shot my furthest buck with it a few years ago at 286 yards and now my wife has outdone my record :evil: I am very proud of my wife for that shot and honestly a little surprised she hit it and when I say centered perfectly on it's neck, I couldn't have done any better even from a solid bench. When Stacey got to me, I had her take the light and track the deer for herself. She was very excited and very proud to be the "bread" winner this year. As a bonus, Stacey is left handed and she had never shot my right handed monte carlo rifle in her life. I had to walk up behind and flick the safety forward for her before she shot. How's that for faith?
Congratulations to your wife on her first deer, since she is a lefty maybe a Browning X Bolt or even an A bolt might be a great purchase soon, say in 270 or a 280 Rem :)
Mine is a 338WM and man, it is a great shooting rifle as well. It is a rifle that will never leave me. Between my pops and I, we have shot it alot and it just continues to shoot really well.

Great shooting on your wifes part. That is some awesome shooting! Scotty