Wife's new rifle


May 12, 2005
I've been searching for a light weight rifle for her for a few weeks. She currently has a Savage Axis II Hardwoods in 6.5 Creed, but it weighs in at a little over 8lbs with the scope. She's a breast cancer survivor, but the chemo treatment has totally screwed her body up. It triggered several auto-immune disorders (two different types of arthritis), fibromyalgia and Ankylosing spondylitis. So packing around an 8+ lbs rifle all day is difficult for her. So we picked this Savage 110 Ultra-lite in 270 Win yesterday at our local Cabela's. The black version of the 110 Ultra-Lite is currently on sale for $1299.99 at Cabela's, then subtract 5% for being a Vet. It weighs in at 5.8 lbs. We were looking at the Tikka T3x Superlite in either 270Win, 7mm-08, or 308WIn, but she loves the safety feature of the AccuTrigger.

Good for you guys for pushing through. My mom suffers from fibromyalgia also. Lives in incredible pain. She’s thinking about trying some pot for it, and that is a real stretch coming from her Southern Baptist upbringing.

Good shooting to you and your wife.
I don’t think you could go wrong with either of your considerations. My prayers go out to you and your wife. She sounds like one hell of a strong woman. With all she’s fought through, make sure she gets exactly what she wants. She deserves it.
Great to have choices!

I like everything you were considering!

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Sorry about your wife's struggles but glad to hear she is still getting out there hunting. That rifle is nice looking and hope it will fill the bill for her carrying as well as shooting. Dan.
Thinking you have an amazing wife. Good luck hunting. Will add her to our prayer list.

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Glad your wife is staying strong and wants to continue hunting. The Savage 270 should be a delight to carry.