Will there be feeding problems??


Jan 14, 2008
Can a person buy a long action Rem 700 and spin on a custom barrel for a short action round and not have any feeding problems?
The objective is to not be restricted by the box length.
Has anybody done this?
Hard to tell. If there is a problem any gunsmith (or self proclaimed one) worth his salt can alter this.
It shouldn't be a problem. I have a 257 Roberts in a long action M700 and I do not have any feeding problems.

From my understanding, there generally isn't any issues if your staying with the same case diameter -

Per-say using a 30-06 long action and turning it into a .308, 7-08, .260 type scenario.
Now to do the same thing with say a 7 Mag - I believe this is where the extra steps come in.
One eitehr a decent Smith gets involved, or the magazine followers etc are changed out for the appropriate case ??

Just talking out loud.
Bingo. That is why I said hard o tell. If you're going from a 30-06 to a 270 WSm........might be an issue there.
The bolt face would be the same i.e. 30-06 barrel removed and a 6mm Rem barrel back on. The follower is where I was concerned creating a feeding problem with the shorter cartridge. I didn't know if it needed to be modified or if I was just over thinking this. This would be a hunting rifle so reliability is important.
Thanks again for the comments.
Teknys":2ihn1kci said:
Can a person buy a long action Rem 700 and spin on a custom barrel for a short action round and not have any feeding problems?
The objective is to not be restricted by the box length.
Has anybody done this?

You have to use a follower for the 270 type case and use a case like 243 etc the dia start of shoulders is .454 vs 270 @ .441 and as mention bolt face the same if you want to case like 22-250 that might be a different story. One problem using a custom barrel if it came off a Rem they may of squared the action/bolt you may wind up with a chamber be alittle off and headspace problems. Alot of time might be better to cut acouple threats square action and cut new chamber and that something you need to call to your gunsmith about.