Win 70 PF 280 AI


Jan 17, 2011

Winchester Model 70 PF Lightweight, TLWs & Burris FFII 3-9x 40mm BP 280 AI

Was a 30-06 w/ funked-up tube, so I got a take-off from Chet here & had Dave @ IT&D rechamber. He also adjusted the trigger BEAUTIFULLY!!

The only complaints I have are:

-I don't like its abrupt fore end; the wood is lovely but the shape of the fore end looks cheap

-I want the bolt body jeweled; it looks cheap as-is

-The rubber pad is NOT a recoil pad any more than putting a chunk of steel belted radial would be

Those will get taken care of eventually. I have to believe that the last one will prove a painful flaw if I push speeds much. Mike McCabe has another stock I got here which has no checkering but does have the signature Featherweight schnabel and that I'll have a nice THICK (I like a long LOP too) red decelerator put on that.

I scored a couple hundred 7mm Exp cases & Prvi 174 gr FMJs for FF'n. Plan to charge em from my 8 lber of Hunter, my new favorite...

The one thing that I hate that won't get remedied anytime soon is the long factory throat. I am thinking that 140 gr TTSXs may be the answer, but had planned on 150 NBTs & LRNABs as main fare. We shall see.

Thinkin I may find a glossy M8 6x42mm on which I'll put an M1, get some low/gloss TLWs, and VIOLA!

Finished. Phew!
Very nice, Eric. A rifle is always a work in progress; this one appears to fulfil that promise. I chuckle at your description of the butt pad (so-called). All mine are changed out as I get them. I believe it looks pretty skookum.
I like that a lot. Should be an excellent gun and it will be even better once you take care of some of those details you were talking about.
Funny about the pad. I only have one rifle with a recoil pad and that's the 300Bee which needs it.
That is a nice PF Winny. The LW stock does leave a little to be desired but you could always install a rose wood nose cap to give it some class.
What was the total cost of the work IT&D did? I got a couple I've been thinking get of rebarreling this winter.
Looking good Eric! I bet she will be a shooter,
Let me know when you are ready to take her for a test drive. We can now shoot 400 yds at the club. ;)

Nice rifle the recoil pad I would definitely upgrade but the throat is not a problem just stretch them out a bit If your gonna shoot heavier bullets it will pay off. The 160's are the pinnacle in that cartridge in my opinion. That long throat won't hurt a bit if you concentrate on the 150 ABLR either as they like a bit of jump.
Thanks for the kind words gentlemen. I'll let you know how she shoots as soon as I can! Chomping at the bit here to get out :) !!

Taylorce1 he pulled the 06 tube, set back & rechambered to 280 AI, reblued the tube, and tweaked the trigger for $235 shipped. If I'd have left it to the rechamber I think it'd have been $100 + shipping?

TD I have a tender shoulder and require a pad on almost all my rifles cept my 6-250 & 223. I thought about an ebony cap but it'd Jack up the checkering blending it in at which point I may as well have a whole new stock. Got nice NECG swivel bases Mike is putting on that FW stock along w/ thick red decelerator then I'll finish. If it looks good nuff may even send to Tim @ Classic Checkering for fleur de lis?

I have to say that the more I handle/dry fire this rifle the more it grows on me! Thanks for the inspiration Jim can't wait to test her @ 400 & enjoy your fellowship over some prime rib!

Sounds good buddy.
Put a Pachmayr Decelerator Magnum pad on it. (Just like the one I have on my 338 RUM). ;)
I think its Goodroe's turn to buy dinner!

Eric that is a great looking Winchester, once you get that new pad on it I am sure that you are going to enjoy shooting her and building a load..
Looking forward to a range report or 2 with photos I hope.

I here ya Buddy. I have a tender cheek bone, because of my Native American decent. Unless a rifle has a good montycarlo style cheek design I end up with a sore face when I shoot a lot, especially with shot guns.
Woodycreek":21k3bzfn said:
Very cool Eric! Wonder who talked you into the 280 AI :lol:

Wonder if you could find a take off for your old 270 Brian. Might make a great 280 Ackley.
Woodycreek":1kfvigwv said:
SJB358":1kfvigwv said:
Woodycreek":1kfvigwv said:
Very cool Eric! Wonder who talked you into the 280 AI :lol:

Wonder if you could find a take off for your old 270 Brian. Might make a great 280 Ackley.

Stop putting ideas in my head......

That's what I'm here for!
Woodycreek":1trlalcm said:
Very cool Eric! Wonder who talked you into the 280 AI :lol:

Actually, if you look into the merits of the 280 AI, coupled with the cool factor, there ain't much talking into. :wink:

You would be mighty impressed with the 280 AI. Pushing the 168 gr AB at 2950 fps, its pretty impressive way out there and more than enough for elk. The 150 gr ABLR at 3100 fps shoots flat and no trouble shooting 800 yds with less than 1 turn on the turret. Deer, Antelope, Caribou and elk are in trouble with a single turn.
Brass is available from Nosler and fire forming is easy. Powder consumption is less than a belted mag and recoil is mild. With a good brake, you could spot your own hits at long range.

SJB358":31dnr022 said:
Woodycreek":31dnr022 said:
Very cool Eric! Wonder who talked you into the 280 AI :lol:

Wonder if you could find a take off for your old 270 Brian. Might make a great 280 Ackley.

Fo sho; 270s were invented to be donors!

Range report:

I am so used to the feel of a tight case in a Mauser where tight is tight and you can feel it. I chambered EACH ONE of these 7mm Exp cases and thought they were tight enough to reliably fire form. With a spring-loaded ejector even loose rounds feel tight. A problem ya don't have w/ Mausers...

Spent a small amount of time at range today to see how she feels. I had a few new cases loaded w/ 174 FMJs & a few 1x hat I thought had been pretty tight loaded w/ 120 gr Sierras. Of the 23 rounds I had loaded only 5-6 went off; the rest were so loose in chamber that the primers wouldn't detonate! That means that either my chamber is over spec or my virgin cases & 1x fired in at least 2 different rifles (2 different sources) are under spec. Ugh.

A buddy is sending me his Redding 280 AI 2-die set to borrow so I can put false shoulders on em all and give em a good tight "crunch fit" in the chamber. Of course that means I'll have to anneal the damned things after 1-2 firings rather than 3 or 4 :mad: .

They'll arrive tomorrow. Gonna run a bunch thru the 30-06 FLS tonight so the process is started when the dies arrive. I'll keep ya'll updated!
I would bet putting the false shoulder on them and some annealing will have some real nice brass when your all done with it. Good luck. Take lots of pictures!