Win 70 Pre 64 264 win mag for sale

Oh man, that is a real classic at a good price too!

Yeah, that is a GREAT price.. Your right Fotis, looks identical. For that kinda money I hope someone from here gets it. I bet it would be a great hunting companion!

Mag na Porting reduces barrel rise so the recoil come straight back. It does not affect the accuracy.

Yup we're here to provide options and enable!
The question I have before me is.....the pre-64 rifle on 24hcf or a supergrade that's a good looker.....
prices and condition?

Where is the SG located for pictures that is?
Can't see the specific one, it's NIB from Bud's Guns online.....but they use stock photos on the adds. $1059, free shipping.
Never in my life would I buy a Ruger #1 or any win 70 supregrade without seeing them first.
Figure in the wood vary immensely. I want the best.

CDNN is selling Ruger #1B in 25-06 for $749.00 A steal for sure but I want to see what I am getting period!
I know, I just hopped on online chat with Buds and they cannot show the specific rifle as it's packaged and stored....and they have several warehouses.

That puts a damper on things for me. Cabela's near me has THIS rifle in stock......but it's $1300+. :shock:
Actually, I may be wrong. It might one one of their "high grades" or whatever...the ones they wanted $1700 for and then realized no one would pay it and have had on "sale" a lot lately.
Either way I wish you the best of luck.
Not right now. I still would like one of those SuperGrades in 264, but can't swing it now with other issues on my plate. Not sure if it makes sense to wedge it in between the 30's I have and the 2506/257 Bob?

More thinking toward a 375h&h down the road. Who knows.

The 264 is super cool. Those limited run SG's I saw at Bud's would be sweet and are at a good price.