Winchester Featherweight stock question


Dec 13, 2006
I picked up a Winchester M70 Featherweight barreled action. Now I need a stock. Caliber is 270Win.

I am new to the various W70 models and the one or two piece bottoms.

Will any Winchester Featherweight LA stock fit or do I need one specific for the two piece bottom?

How about a sporter stock?

The fit of the bottom metal is similar but not the same. The depth of the recess for the front action screw is much deeper on the one piece bottom metal and the magazine area is a bit wider so the bottom metal will fit around the magazine box. Using a few washers you can make a two piece set up fit a stock for a one piece.
You need a long action stock and single piece bottom metal for any stock made since 2006, if the gun was made by Browning.
I found a wood featherweight stock that I think will fit. Will find out next week when it arrives
YoteSmoker":tgtqty66 said:
If your rifle is new haven made, I have a LA synthetic stock for it.
Hey Yote is that a factory plastic stock or a good synthetic?
I received the stock I purchased off 24CF. Nice stock action fits in fine

The front screw needed a couple washers between the stock and base plate as filler. That is OK I guess

The rear of the mag cover, the does not quite match. Seems like the mag well is 1/4 too long? Ideas why? Meant for a magnum length. The action is a 270 Win

I have the same situation with a stock I bought. I got a piece of black walnut and carved out a filler plug that hides the gap like you have. I also plan on pillar bedding the stock and then glass the front action screw cut to take up the space. Scotty sent me a link for pillarsd that are made just for the M70 and I'm using them to along with glass bedding the recoil lug to to get what I want out of the stock. Or you could buy new bottom metal for the one piece stock and have another $100 tied up in it.
Decsions decsions decsions. :lol:
You can buy a $8 adapter (plastic) to fill the holes in he stock and make it look like the stock and metal were made for each other. Or you can buy One piece bottom metal for $100. to $150 and have it look right. With me it was no question because I had ought a Grade II stock and wanted the rifle be a better shooter than the plastic stock that it replaced. Your choice, I made mine.