Winchester/FN new rifles?


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
Any insight? A web page? When will we see them?
I got the opportunity to handle a 30-06 limited edition featherweight from the new facility in SC a few weeks ago. It was at a Gander Mountain here in Huntsville. Nice looking rifle, but the limited edition was expensive. I think they'll be good, but it remains to be seen how well they shoot. Overall, the metal work and wood looked good, and fit and finish was good, also.
I fondled a couple -06s and one 300 Win, all Featherweights and all at different Scheels stores. $850 to 900 and the floorplate has "2008 Model 70 Limited Edition" inlayed on it. I suspect even without the script this will be the price range.

Being 25 years old, I don't know how they compare to the pre-64 actions but they appear to be well done. I watched the video on their website and that is one plant tour I would love to go on!
I looked at several in central Oregon last weekend. They seemed well put together and one had outstanding wood. The quality seemed pretty good on them.
American rifleman did an article on them in the same issue as the NCR.
Good reading!
I would buy one if I wasn't after as many "obama guns" as I can get before his inaguration and the possibility of a fillabuster proof democratic senate. :evil: :evil: :shock: :evil: :evil: :evil:
I saw a .270 and an 06 at sportsman wharehouse just yesterday.
Really pleased with the fit & Finish. the .270 was beautifull.
I am tempted to sell one of my other rifles and go buy it, But I have a real nice old FN in the .270 now and I really prefer my .257 roberts or a .308 for most of the hunts where i might use a .270.