I see a lot of primers mentioned in various threads but seldom see much about Winchester primers and in particular the WLR variety. Is there something that should be common knowledge about these particular primers that I am missing?
Not that I know of. I think alot of times, it is primer availability for guys. I know I can always get CCI's so I tend to stick with them for most of my loading. Winchesters are just as good as the next. Scotty
I use a lot of WLR and WLRM primers. They work. For years, WLR primers were commonly substituted for magnum primers because they burned hot. They are a good primer. I am not certain that I like the transition from a steel cup to the current brass cup, but they still work fine for igniting loads small and great.
I like the new cups myself, I have quite a few of the old ones and they seat hard, got 1000 of the new ones and I can see the old ones sitting around for a while.
I have a few packs of winchester wlrm that say "for standard or magnum loads"
I tend to use them for smaller cases using ball powders..... as i fear they may be too hot for standard or too cold for large mags......
It is entirely acceptable to substitute magnum primers for standard primers. It is not often necessary, and seldom gives an advantage. Just be careful to ensure that there is no pressure increase. I know that in one series of loads I worked up with F210 primers, when a friend attempted to duplicate the loads without reading the recipe he substituted F215 primers and got an average increase in velocity of about 150 fps. There would have been a corresponding increase in pressure to generate that velocity. You can use your WLRM primers without any concern that they may be too cool for magnum loads or too hot for standard loads. They will work just fine for either purpose.
Some of my smallest groups in the .270wsm are with WLRM primers. My load/group testing is usally done at 300 yards for group and zero setting. The S/S Vanguard will place 5 into less than 2" at 300, so I'll not change anything very soon. And thats with the new Vortex Viper 4-12 scope on it.
I tried the WLRM in the .257Wby., but its favorite primer seams to be the Fed. GM 215 Mag.
When I first started reloading a couple of years ago Winchester WLR primers were the only ones I could find at the time. I mainly reload .308 Win, .270 Win and .35 Rem. I am still using Winchester primers and have never looked back. I have had one primer cup burn through on the corner and I attribute that to an overly aggressive crimp on the bullet. I was having pressure problems on my .308 and after discussing it with several knowledgeable reloaders I have since stopped using the Lee factory crimp die on that round. I was having flattened primers with just over the recommended starting loads.
That being said I am planning on picking up a few different primer brands to keep on hand now that the supply is available again.