Wolf hunting


Dec 24, 2006
I wasn't sure what to put for a topic, but since it directly affects me and where I hunt, as with alot of you all in the West, I think this is a pretty good idea. I know where I have been hunting in Idaho the wolves have really cut the elk herds down pretty good. I think wolves are great, but they need to be managed alot better than they have been so far. Either way, I got this from the Rocky Mtn Elk Foundation. Figured you all would want to take a look at it. Scotty

I read the account of this in a news item yesterday. It looks like something that hunters can and should support.
I gave up a small donation for it. You are right, hunters should back this with all they can. No need to let the extremists get into business they have no idea of. I think they would have a different notion of them if they actually saw how vicious they were, and left unchecked, it will get worse. Scotty
A huge hurdle that we might not be able to overcome on this issue is Judge Molloy who will be making this ruling. Last year when he decided to go ahead and allow the Wolf hunt to happen, he did something very political and back-handed so he would not lose face in front of the wolf lovers. Molloy put the Grizzly bear back on the Endangered species list AFTER he decided to allow the wolf hunt to go forward. We were really close I believe to having a VERY CONTROLLED PERMIT hunt for Grizzlies here in Montana and possibly Wyoming as well. The Grizzly bear numbers are up and have been increasing every year. I firmly believe the guy made the ruling on the bears for that reason and that reason alone. There is nothiing science based on his decisions and rulings, and he sure as heck does not listen to the professional wildlife managers who for the last 100 years in conjunction with sportsmen have made the changes as such that we have the abundance of game that we now have today.

This guy is a real peach! :evil: