Would you trade labor for hunting access to farmland??

WOuld you trade labor for hunting access??

  • Yes

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  • No

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May 19, 2007
Alot of hunters only have access to public lands, which get crowded and are subject to alot of hunting pressure. Meanwhile, alot of farmland is closed to hunting due to a variety of things.

Most farmers have alot of negitive things happen to their property and stock as a result of people without permission or knowledge of what livestock or crops are existing on their land. As well, alot of farmers won't give permission to strangers for the simple reason that they don't trust somebody they don't know to not drive on soft fields, leave gates open or shoot livestock.

So, how many of you would go to the area you want to hunt and offer to trade labor for hunting access to the farmers land. Nothing huge, but a couple days of fencing, picking rocks or bales etc?

Offer to work during the summer and double any time out there as scouting.
I do it every year!
Every tree I cut on my property< I load up at take over and stack it in his wood pile. Help cut and split wood, get loads of horse manure (his truck) :grin: , X-Mas basket of goodies and card. Anything he wants, he gets!
I have exclusive hunting rights, even his son-in-law isn't allowed to hunt his land! :shock: :grin: :grin: :grin:
The best part is that its a 5 minute walk from the house. :lol:

jtoews80":q0lhi0j9 said:
Offer to work during the summer and double any time out there as scouting.

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
Heck yeah, I am in the same boat. I have permission to hunt on some good land, but it is bow only. I would work any extra time I could for a farmer to assist him in order to get permission. The public lands are few here in VA and what is there are usually inundated with alot of hunters. Scotty
'Pends who you are. If youre a city boy your just good entertainment- maybe. By the way, Im the city boy in my family.... :wink: CL
Well guys as a farmer I would have to say that there is always odd jobs around that need to be done. I know alot of guys that have real good luck with a half gallon of some quality whiskey (CR, or Pendelton around here). You guys are nailing it on the head though as to why alot of farmers don't want other people on their place. It doesn't take but a few bad apples to mess it up for everybody.

I have been having good luck the last few years letting two first time youth hunt on our place every year for deer. The only thing I ask in return is a bag of jerky and pictures. In the last two years I have had four girls take three bucks. No wounded ones, no shot up cattle, tore up fences, or tire tracks in the freshly planted fields. It has been a real pleasure to watch.

Other than that it is strickty a few employees and select family. I'm tring to manage the deer better than we have in the past, so had to cut donw by about five bucks a year, and the same for does.
I've only got a 1/4, but it's enough to hunt a little bit.
I had a couple guys and a young kid about 12-14 shooting geese over the slough across the road from my 40 acre oat field. They having a hard time retrieving a goose from about 50 yds from shore. They were using a fishing rod with a big homemade gaff hook on it. I told them to use the oat field, just not to hit the power lines. That should be easier to retrieve at least. And, if they get some, I'll get a goose out of the deal.

I usually won't give permission as my brothers and I hunt it, but we don't hunt geese, so it won't matter. These guys were from Newfoundland and usually have a hard time getting permission(from Albertans).
As a result they usually are the ones shooting game off of the road onto private land etc.

The ironic thing about this is that while alot of Albertans won't give permission to them to hunt on their land because of prejudice, they complain about loss of hunting rights and gun rights. I'd figure 80% of Newfies are hunters and gun owners, so it's a refined form of stupidity....

Not that shooting game on private land off of the road is ok.


If we are talking birds our place is open by reservation to anybody that wants to hunt. Pheasants and quail mostly, but we do get a few ducks and geese in the corn fields during the winter. We just try to keep the number of pheasants harvested under 50 each year. When we hit that number we close it.

There is a big difference in hunting something that you can set up and call in VS going out and having to look everywhere for some Mulie bucks.

As a hunter I would be more than willing two work for a weekend or two for some hunting rights for two people (my wife and I) on some of the neighboring farms and ranches!