WY Antelope


Dec 2, 2010
First off thanks for all the info on the last topic about hunting out west. I have it down to antelope in 2015 in the great state of WY. I have 4 questions.

#1 If we put in for a preference point, do we need to know what zone we want to hunt at that time?

#2 What zone would you hunt? I have no problem paying a trespass fee if it gets us on a ranch with less pressure. (We would rather hunt a higher population and get a crack at one than seeing less game but bigger trophies.) I would like to be near a town with a motel (with in reason)

#3 From what I read on the WY Fish and Game page, we need to buy our point between July and September. Does this sound correct?

#4 How would you go about finding ranches that will take hunters?

There are going to be more questions so please be patient with me. I want to put the time in up front to make it a good hunt/time for my dad.

No, you do not need to know the zone at the time of buying the point. Im not sure when points go on sale but july sounds right and I know for certainty you can buy them until the end of september.

Look at unit 7, you could stay in newcastle and hunt the walk in areas in Weston County. Or units 31,32 near casper. Same deal, walk in areas if physically up to it.

I dont know much about any of the other units specifically.


you could pick any of the towns in Wy that suit ya and get lodging. Contact the chamber of commerce for the general area and they provide lists of landowners who will grant access to hunters for free-on up to a fee. Generally landowners want you to hunt, some just want ya more than others. Part of your license has a landowner voucher attached to it that once you kill on the private property, you detach, sign and give to the landowner who then turns it in for a kick back.

The walk in areas are just that, you will need to be able to walk in and pack out what you shoot. Typically crowded on the opener but much less if any pressure later in the hunt.

Also one last note, looks like in 2015 Wy will be raising fees 10% across the board. Its still a heck of a value.

In my opinion, if your willing to do a little leg work or pay for access, antelope are a tremendous hunt in which the unit matters very little.

Ask away as you plan. Im sure others will chime in as well.
wisconsinteacher":1ad6ub4c said:
First off thanks for all the info on the last topic about hunting out west. I have it down to antelope in 2015 in the great state of WY. I have 4 questions.

#1 If we put in for a preference point, do we need to know what zone we want to hunt at that time?
#2 What zone would you hunt? I have no problem paying a trespass fee if it gets us on a ranch with less pressure. (We would rather hunt a higher population and get a crack at one than seeing less game but bigger trophies.) I would like to be near a town with a motel (with in reason)
I hunted Area 30 with good success and no preference or bonus points. There is a "walk in area" that you have to apply for too or you can hunt on local ranches and pay a trespass fee.
#3 From what I read on the WY Fish and Game page, we need to buy our point between July and September. Does this sound correct?
#4 How would you go about finding ranches that will take hunters?
Call the local Chamber of Commerce. They keep a list of ranchers that allow hunters.
There are going to be more questions so please be patient with me. I want to put the time in up front to make it a good hunt/time for my dad.
No worries. :grin:
You're welcome.
Check out copies of eastmans hunting journal magazine or huntin fool magazine during 2014-they will give you tons of init by unit info and by all means start building points this year. You can apply this spring and get a point if you arent drawn. Also, you can pay a couple hundred extra and improve your odds of drawing-I never have the money. Wyoming has tons of antelope so killing one isn't the issue-not all units have big ones though and some units have largely private property so some pre application map work is beneficial.
I just called the Dept of Fish and Game and was told to put in for a point in July. After that, start working on where to hunt and stay while out there. I am guessing that we should be able to draw a tag with only one point. I will keep my eye open for the magazines you listed. Keep the info coming. Thanks
Prepare for a hunt when everything goes right, from day #1 on thru, ... and for when it doesn't. I've seen it start snowing/raining the day before it opens and do it for a week. It can get tough, or it can be a dance!
Good luck on your hunt. I've done a lot of diy antelope hunts. I hunted out of Gillette, Casper, and Buffalo. The public lands zones are hard to draw. The zones that are mostly private a lot easier. There are nice antelope all over the state. Seasons for antelope are often early so it can be hot but like the other guys said it can be bad weather too. You can cut up antelope yourself but most larger towns have meat cutters. I've already combined antelope and a turkey hunt. Going after the opening week end lessens the number of other hunters. The more people you talk to in WY the easier it is to find a place to hunt.
