Wyoming Unit 75 Antelope


Nov 1, 2010
I finally drew for this tag again. I hunted it once back in 2008 and took a real heavy 14.5" buck late in the season. That hunt was a quick one, I only had 2 days of hunting time because I was saving my vacation for the bull tag I also drew that year. Also that year I hunted with a Wyoming resident who knew the area real well but he's going to be in Alaska and miss this season. Anyway this year I have no other tags and am looking to spend 7 or 8 days hunting and really try to find a good goat.

If anyone has any experience with this unit and would like to give me pointers I'd appreciate it. I'm worried that the drought will make hunting tough this year. Or if you have pointers on hunting antelope in general I'd like to read them. I've only hunted them the one time and that was only for 2 days.

Also I'd like thoughts on my game plan. I'm thinking of getting to the area early to have one full day to scout before season opens and spend most of it finding and scouting water holes. Once season starts I'm betting it will be a zoo for the first weekend. I'm thinking unless we spot a good one scouting we want to go after opening morning we should get into the steeper rougher country where you can't drive and look for more water holes and antelope through the weekend, glassing alot from high points. If that doesn't work we can hit the easier ground again once the crowds start to clear out and see what happens. I bought and read Mike Eastman's book on trophy antelope and he thinks alot of the time 40% of antelope tags are filled in the first 48hrs. I also thought about not even getting to the unit to start hunting until the Monday after opening weekend to avoid crowds and staying longer.

Thanks for any help you can give.
...was me, I'd start up towards the NE corner of the unit in the headwaters of Dry Fk., Badwater, Sioux Cr., some private up there, scattered chunks of State/ BLM. If you're willing to get a little ways away from the main rds. & 2-tracks, you should be able to set up on a good goat. 75 is a "Very High Percentage Area". I've seen some pretty good goats up high on the Badwater/ Buffalo/ Cottonwood Cr. Divide. Check w/ WYG&F for "walk-in access" on some of the private. Crowds is kinda a "relative term", quite a few tags issued for the area, but it's around 40mi. long by 20mi. wide, or 800sq. mi., assuming "everyone" who got a 75 tag is out there opening day, that still leaves you w/ almost 2sq. mi., subtract the private, add back in the stuff the rd. hunters aren't going to see, & you have a whole lot of ground w/ a bunch of antelope wandering across it. Watch for the game trails, you can figure out where they go thru good sites to set up an ambush or make an undetected stalk. Start out being "particular" & "judgmental", if you think he's marginal he probably is. "Be Prepared", even in the middle of Sept. the weather can go to hell out there, the rds. become impassible w/ axelgrease-like mud that's unbelievable, high winds, freezing rain or snow. If you're considering camping check the regs & realize there ain't nuthin out there, if you need it, it's over the top to Thermop or up the rd. to Riverton...
I knew someone who knew the area would come along and help you out! Great ideas and suggestions given. Oh, and find one that looks like this guy!

Thanks for the great advice both of you. I know last time I was there we saw lots of goats. I'm a little worried about my inexperience in field judging them, but Mike Eastman's book was really helpful. I also have way better optics than my last trip so hopefully that will make my life a little easier. The way this summer is shaping up I'm sure I'll see plenty of heat waves through them anyway.

I'm familiar with what the weather can do in a hurry also, I'll be sure to have the chains and other bad weather gear along just in case. Might be worth dragging the Polaris Ranger along also in case it gets to bad for the heavy diesel truck.

I'm sure not afraid to get out of the vehicle to hunt either, I wanted to allow myself enough days this season to do some walking and learn more of the unit. Last time being hurried and killing on the second morning I don't feel like I learned much about the area.

I want to get a real good GPS with a map that shows the private and public, plus the unit boundaries also so I don't have any questions about where I am. Any recomendations there?
mcseal2, congratulations on drawing the tag. I am sure you will do fine, just remember lots of photos are always welcome 8)

I will be sure to post pics, hopefully they will have a good buck in them.