Xmas, CMP Style.


Jan 19, 2008
Ye haw, the wait is almost over... (Order actually placed 3/16/11, just takes that long to process)

Time to get into serious position shooting skills, smallbore smallbore style..

Any 4/3 P smallbore shooters here..? I know Mr. Miner is an accomplished Hi-Pwr shooter....

Dear CMP Customer

Order# 123456 which was placed on 04/19/11 has been shipped to:

Rod in Fargo
1313 Mockingbird Lane

This order shipped through FedEx Priority Overnight. The tracking number
is 4777305xxxxx.

The following are the contents of this shipment:
Qty Item-No Item-Description
--------- --------------- ------------------------------
1 R22M82R .22 Kimber M82 .22 Rifle

Background article by Wayne Van Zwoll, if interested..

Sounds good, Rod. Congratulations. I assume we'll see some pictures?

Congratulations buddy. Should be a fun shooter.

Just opened up my CMP package and I tell ya what. If any one of you has any interest in getting a great entry level smallbore position rifle. The "Rusty" Kimber M82 Govt is the deal of the century...

They (CMP) has two grades. Non Rusty (600$) & the Rusty (400$). I bought the Rusty and I am telling you it is worth every penny and would have bummed had I bought the 600$ and got to compare it to the 400$. The actual rust could be compared to taking a cold rilfe in the house at night and leaving it in the case overnight. If even that..

These are almost gone from the CMP, out of 20k made for the Army & all surplused to the CMP. Rumor mill says the current stock wont last the yr.. And when they are gone, they are gone.. They are a great deal. If interested in more, go to RimfireCentral and find the Kimber forum topic and look for yourself...

Pix of mine to follow later...

Congrats Rod. I've been wondering if you received your Kimber yet. Now the fun starts.

Have you decided on a scope yet?

Looks like I am going to have to talk you into coming down my way for some Indoor Rimfire Bench Rest Shooting this next Winter.

I've thought about buying one of those CMP Kimber .22's a dozen times...

Hope yours works out well!