What's the Theme?


Nov 8, 2006
Michael Moore pictured himself standing in front of Trump Tower today holding a sign. He wants to stir up sentiment to permit more immigration from Syria in particular and focused on inviting one particular religion in general. In light of his antics, I found this item tweeted by Ben Shapiro.

It does cause me to question. I know there is a common theme, if only I could find it. :?
Yeah, we can add that the shooter at the Chattanooga recruiting center was Muslim, as were the San Bernardino murderers. One would think that we could work out a common thread in all these attacks. If only there was one thing that gave a clue for what was happening.
I'm a staunch supporter of the constitution and bill of rights and believe in what they stand for and realize this country was founded on freedom of religion and the right to pray and believe in what ever form of religion we wish. Even though it may be off the wall.
But why is there one group who feels their religion gives them the right to kill and destroy everyone who's beliefs are different?
TD, Like you, I support and defend the Constitution which probably makes me a domestic terrorist in the eyes of Obama the Great.
What gives them the right to kill us unbelievers? Because Islam is NOT a religion. It's theocracy, a form of government that their their so called god states that we should either convert or be put to death. I'm trying to remember how many crushes there were, something like 12 or 13 if memory serves and like some antibiotic resistant germ, keeps coming back to plague us. Guess those old boys back then did it wrong.
Not real hip on the bible, got to fix that one of these days, but IIRC, when the Jews were working their way to the Promised Land, they encountered enemies and God told them to kill them all, even down to the last dog and stray cat. Seems like the early crusaders miss the memo. Methinks it will be up to us sometime in the not very distant future. Maybe we'll get it right this time.
Christian worship and revere life. Muslims worship and revere death. My thought? Let's make them happy. (y)
Paul B.