MSR Whisperlite Stove

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006

Purchased this backpacking stove nearly 20 years ago. Today's Whisperlite stoves have been improved a bit, but are still terrific!

Lightweight. Rugged. Reliable.

On a backpacking trip in the Cascades one summer, at over 6,000' and in the sleet and snow. Thats summer in the Cascades sometimes... The various canister stoves didn't work out real well. But this white-gas burning rocket... Oh yeah! Fired up quickly, and would boil a quart of water while steam was barely rising from other stoves. My group learned to rely on the Whisperlite if we were high in the mountains, or it was cold, or both.

Not long ago I had a bit of trouble with it. My formerly ultra-reliable, ultra-hot (and noisy) stove was... not performing! It would light, but power output was way down.

I spent 10 minutes disassembling, cleaning and re-assembling it. Next match, POW! Fire! (y)

Annual maintenance is recommended, but I'd probably put it off for 5-10 years...

Just thought I'd mention what has been a terrific stove. Easily avail from REI and other backpacking/mountaineering stores.


Regards, Guy
I recall those MSR stoves from several decades back, Guy. They were always held in high regard among those who spent any time in the bush or in the mountains.
I've got my issued one. It even worked great with diesel fuel as well. I've had it for 10 years and it still cranks. Love them.

Whisperlite made the trip to Alaska and back. Provided hot meals and hot coffee, reliably. Even in the cold, wet and wind!

That's a wicked picture. Looks delicious and you cannot beat the Whisperlites.
An excellent Canadian red wine added nicely to the meal!

Guy you are always the connoisseur :mrgreen:.
A Canadian Red Wine EH :wink:.
Very good report on a fine product (y).
