90 grain BSB - 270 wsm


Dec 3, 2011
I purchased a new 270 WSM for my girlfriend. In an effort to keep the recoil low, I picked up some 90 grain BSB's made for the 6.8mm. I had a few 90 grain sierra HP's laying around from shooting prairie dogs back in the late 80's.
I bought 20 pieces of new Norma brass and loaded 10 with the Sierra's and 10 more with the BSB's. I was surprised when both random loads produced sub inch groups on the gun's first outing. I saved one each of the rounds and took the time to punch them into some milk jugs and thought I would share the results.


I did NOT have high expectations of the Sierra in the jugs as it is a varmint bullet, But I expected a lot from the BSB.

I recovered the remainder of the Sierra in the second jug. Violent expansion and low penetration. To be expected from a varmint bullet I suppose.
The BSB put a serious dent in the back of jug #4, almost exited.. at >3600 fps... AND retained over 76% of its original weight. I measured the expanded bullet at .545


I feel like my results from the 90 grain Nosler BSB are VERY positive. From what I have seen of the 64 grain .224 version I expected the 90's to perform well. I loaded these mild at 3600 fps, Quickload says I should be able to get 3900 if desired. I'm more interested in a load she can shoot comfortably. With the initial accuracy, velocity and weight retention, I see no reason that this will not make a deadly combination for some unsuspecting whitetail this coming season.

Here is a picture of her 270 WSM(Front), it is a twin to my 7RM.. Tikka T3 Camo/Stainless
She likes it, because its Perty..I like it, because it shows potential to shoot like my 7..
It looks as if the rifle will shoot, and you have a couple of loads that will perform under the right conditions. The performance of the BSB is quite impressive--over 3/4 of its weight retained is excellent. That bullet could just work in deer. Good stuff.
That is an interesting bullet, should work well for deer sized game and even bigger animals, it is like a mono bullet with a little bit of lead in it. It would be very interesting to see how it performs on game, looks like it will be great. The bigger 270's sure have gotten more versatile in recent years with the introduction on the 6.8 SPC and it's bullets.
Here is one last picture. It is the .277 BSB from the jugs next to a .257 and .284 AccuBond both pulled from large hogs..
I don't see how looking like an AccuBond could be a bad thing!

Nope any bullet that looks like a AB is a well designed bullet that is for sure. I believe that ABs are at the top of the heap or real close to it.

Very nice Dano! That 90BSB looks like it would be shear terror on deer. Heck, I know there are better bullets, but I bet it'd be hard to keep on inside a larger animal as well.

Too bad you can't find a big old hog to give it some testing as well!

Man, the girlfriend will put the smack down on anything with that 270 Improved! What a great shooting rifle for just pulling it outta the box!
Looks like those T3's are working for you also. I have one and I really like the smoothness of the bolt.
The 270 WSM is a really interesting cartridge also.
Pretty sure he was shooting RL-17. I ran a test with my .270 Win a few weeks ago using Varget. I loaded them long and my best groups were about 1 1/2". It was mostly two in one out 3 shot groups. I plan to shorten them up to bring in the flier.ImageUploadedByTapatalk1416433160.101682.jpg
Yeah that 90 gr. Pill hits with authority. I hope to get the accuracy Ianman is getting soon. I love the BSB in my 22-250.