

Aug 20, 2011
Title says it all.

http://www.forbes.com/sites/aroy/2012/0 ... ce-reform/


Here's a couple excellent articles on this. What this fails to mention is that 60% of Americans disagree with the Supreme Courts decision handed out today.

This money pit needs to stop.

A good friend of mine with insurance was knocked out when he got bucked off a bucking horse last fall. With insurance his medical bill was over $8000. He was taken to the hospital by ambulance which was 5 miles away. They sat him in the hall way as the ER was very busy that night. He was taken for a CT scan to make sure everything was okay and released. He was in the hospital for less than 2 hours. The people in there were mostly un-insured as the nurse told us including one on a suicide watch, it was the third time in a month he had been admitted for it, and the 25% of them illegal aliens.

The CT scan itself was $5600 and took maybe 10 minutes. A new machine probably runs in the rhealm of $500,000 and if it was only used twice an hour at that rate they could pay for the machine in two days!!! But yet he paid for probably 10 of the 20 individuals that were in the ER that night.

This is the root of health care issues. By using insurance you can artificially inflate costs and prices against a hedge fund that is used as an investment option for those companies and their partners. (Hospitals, Doctors, Pharmasutical Companies). In other words a ponzi scheme where the only person that gets hurt is the end-user.
Wait until you are retired and your Medicare benefit which you paid a 1.5% payroll tax (plus 1.5% employer match) for 50 years while working and still pay a $105. premium for every month out of Social Security, then get your benefits cut 40% by Obamacare. Medicare only pays about 20% of my medical billings as it is. Now they will only pay 12%!

The entire scam is a joke perpetrated on all of us! The last Angiogram that I had cost over $20,000 just for hospital billing and I was there for 2.5 hours.
Getting rid of the illegals would do more for health care cost then anything but it would mean they would lose votes. No president want's to look like the bad guy and cost himself votes. Imagine what it would do to the unemployment rate and insurance cost too.

Just like Jake pointed out, we (those of us with insurance) pay for all the illegals and those without insurance because no one is ever denied care.
The last time that I went to the ER I had Toxic Shock from MRSA and my kidneys failed. While there, I also coded in Taccyardia with my heatbeat hitting 500 BPM. This was 18 months ago and the ER was full of Illegals and Lummi Indians with the flu or sore throats. While I was lying there coding out, some little (about 3 YO) Lummi boy was screaming at the top of his lungs and running into every curtained area screeching and pulling all of the privacy curtains open. I actually thought that I might want to die to stop that kid from screaming right next to me! Plus, I could not move, because of tubes in me, in order to get away from him! His mother sat there and looked at the the curtain as though nothing was happening.

I was in the bay next to this screaming brat for 3 hours until they stabilized my pulse and moved me to Intensive Care. He never stopped screaming once and his mother never tried to pick him up or anything.
Just keep in mind that this has nothing to do with health care.
It has everything to do with ensuring votes from the entitelists and generating income from the working class.

It has to do with politician power bases and pandering to voter groups, especially those groups who will sell their vote for nothing but a cheap promise to give them something that they don't deserve.
Not to mention the debacle in Florida where they are auditing the register voters which the DOJ sued over and the judge upheld that they are allowed to do so to keep illegals from voting.

On another note I think a quick way to fix a big issue would be closing the border line it with troops, and make those on welfare not disabillity unless they were able to go to California or Texas or Florida and have them pick fruit for 6 months if they wanted to keep recieving there checks. It would decrease labor costs for farmers and drop the price of food in the market helping everyone. Plus those that are getting those checks would be "earning" them.

Sorry if I pissed anyone off but that's just the way I view it.


You and I both know it doesn't cost $20k for that your paying for a large percentage of other in there as well. What ever happened to calling the doctor him coming to the house and charging you $20 for something simple? The only ones getting rich are the pharmacutical companies. I dang near gotta be on my death bed to go in. Then there are those doctors that just prescibe allergy medicines for everything and don't even listen to the patient this happened to me. I had a cold and couldn't get rid of it. The 3rd time I went in I told him listen I got pneumonia I can feel it. He himmed and hawwed about it before taking an X-ray and then called me 3 days later saying he wanted to do a CT scan. Went in for that took 20 minutes and ran $3500. Results came back and my right lung was 3/4 of the way full of fluid. He was pretty apologetic about it. I told him maybe he should listen to his patients a little bit more that just writing a fricken precription.
I was Chief engineer of the Heart Stent Laser Weld Automation Program for the (at that time) largest stent manufacterer in the US. Then (a few years ago) a medicated 6 French lumen, coated nickel stent, x 3/4 inch long kit cost about $4.50 out the door, packaged and sterilized. So even with hospital overhead included, the medical devices could not have cost more than $25.00 landed cost for my procedure which cost over $20,000 with hospital overhead added in. This does not include the $4000+ which my doctors charged me additionally. I was in the Catheter lab for about 45 minutes and they did not even insert a stent in me on this occasion, they threw it away!

The doctors are charging large fees but they also pay huge liability insurance premiums (i.e. for a Cardiologist). Where medical costs have gone bonkers is with the providers with their huge overhead and no motive to reduce the cost of medical care. How can a superficial Vena Cava cutdown, a little oxygen, a little Lidocaine, Versed and a band aid, plus a $25.00 catheter being inserted cost over $20,000? This is where people need to start demanding answers!
Some health insurance companies pay their doctors bonuses if they withold treatment. I had to go to Urhent care because I couldn't pee. I was diagnosed with a kidney infection so the Urgent care doctor wanted to put me in the hospital. He had to call my primary care doctor who worked for the insurance company and the PC doctor refused to authorize my hospitalization. Well, trhe UC doc put me in the hospital anyway and it was 5 days before they would release me.
My daugher was riding in a friend's car when they were in an accident. The seat belt malfunctioned and hed head banged into the windshield. The doc at the new Urgeent Care facilty for the insurance company wouldn't authorize a cat scan after we'd taken her there three time in just over a week's time. She was having terrible headaches. The last time the Dr. Ramboobsingh by name still refused to give her a cat scan to insue it was nothing more than a mild concussion. I looked that guy in the eye and said, "Well, now you'll have to explain why you won't give her a test to make sure everything is OK to my lawyer." He couldn't get her that scan fast enough. Turned out is was just a concussion, just not quite as mild as he thought. When the open season came around, I dropped CIGNA like a hot potato. I found out they do pay their doctors bonuses when they refuse to do expensive tests. My primary care doc went to Africa every year on his bonus checks. He'd brag about the game he shot and even had large pictures of his trophies on the wall.
Last year I had to go to the ER with chest pains. I got admitted almost immediately and while my wife was doing the paperwork and paying the co-pay, some Hispanic, probably illegal starts bitching the he was here first and giving my wife a bad time. The person at the admitting desk told him that this was a possible heart attack situation and potntially life threatening. Those cases go to the head of the line. Never did find out what the problem was but at least it was not a heart attack for which I am truly grateful.
Paul B.
Paul, I get the same thing with my meds. My prescription coverage is with Medco and they have changed my formulary and amounts several times against the instructions of my doctors in order to save money. The doctor will prescribe (14) Amerge for migraines per month Medco will give me (9) and justify the lower amount through some East Indian Medco Pharmacist's word who apparently has more clout than a Board Certified Neurologist does.

They also refused to give me more than (14) days worth of Zyvox (Linezolid, a MRSA specific antibiotic) because it cost more than $70 per day. This was when I was dying from Methacylin Resistant Staph Aureus infection, plus TB in my lungs! I was down to 129 pounds from 165 and they tried to refuse me treatment with the formulary drug. One Pulmonologist caved in to Medco and gave me Sulpha which I am allergic to and which shut down my kidneys and nearly killed me. This doctor knew that I was allergic to Sulpha but he just did not want to stand up for me and apparently figured "dead patient's don't sue".

This doctor refused to culture me or treat my MRSA for nearly a year because he said that; "I would be dead if I had MRSA pneumonia". I have never recovered from this Doctor's folly and still only weigh 135 pounds now, two years later. He got really upset when I fired him for "trying to kill me with Sulpha". As soon as I changed doctors, I got cultured for MRSA and treated with Linezolid by another Pulmonologist and finally got rid of the MRSA.

However, my health is still compromised from lack of treatment. My immune system is destroyed.