Recent content by noslerpartition

  1. noslerpartition

    Ttying to delete my profile

    Ttying to delete my profile
  2. noslerpartition

    Good bye

    Last post: It was not the content of the Talks, it was the way they treated him.
  3. noslerpartition

    Good bye

    I just watched the press-conference. Sorry, but if you back your current president, we don't have common ground.
  4. noslerpartition

    Good bye

    yeah, well. actually I like you guys and might miss you.
  5. noslerpartition

    Good bye

    I really like eastern European Fox-bullets and LOS Hunter Tactical ;-)
  6. noslerpartition

    Good bye

    That is one way to look at it, I actually work for a company that has sales in the US. We once had an "intercultural training" from a person from the US who lives half a year here in Germany, the other half on your side. I would never have emagined - thinking us quite alike - but he said there...
  7. noslerpartition

    Good bye

    Well Fotis, actually not sure. I got this message and there is my reply to it (I will not say who send it): I would immagine you, and many around the world, are wondering what the hell is going on around here. I’ve been a conservative voter all my adult life but Trump scares the hell out of me...
  8. noslerpartition

    Good bye

    I wish you all the best hunting and shooting, but I found out that my political beliefs are mostly not met here. You will have your reasons, your local views and that is ok. I don't judge. I hope you have a wonderful future with your CIC and I honestly hope that we will never have to look at...
  9. noslerpartition

    Thoughts On Various Decisions

    As some might know, I am German. I am shell-shocked. Threatening Canada? I mean - Canada????? They are the nicest people out there. Until you push them too hard. Greenland? So another NATO Member? There will be a few "interersting" years ahead. I can only hope you chose the right leader...
  10. noslerpartition

    Soon to pick up a 300 it's time for a scope..

    Steiner is used by some NATO countries, Germany has on on the G29 (.338 Lapua). Should handle some recoil.
  11. noslerpartition

    New Vintage Woods Rifle

    You are German, too?
  12. noslerpartition

    It wasn’t even close

    And here's a German trying to figure out what he is talking about...
  13. noslerpartition

    Wild hog loin

    I don't know about your hogs - but our European boars are usually bad only during breeding season. The hormones seem to do weird things. Sows are good. We usually test just a small peace of boar and fry it. If you have to evacuate the house, it was bad... Actually you can make Salami out of...
  14. noslerpartition

    3006 165 gr Partition R -17 Reloader powder

    Used the 180 gr NP and the 165 AB before going lead-free a decade ago. The NP was very aggressive on our small roe dear, love the AB. Now I use fragmenting (just the from) copper and brass with the 30-06; and the Breedmoor.
  15. noslerpartition

    Experiences with 8MM's

    I only owned a 8x57;IRS - the rimmed version - in a Drilling. Sold it to buy my now Ex a gun. What a bad choice... But loaded and tested 8x57 IS and 8x68S and boy - I love the 8x68S! Very underrated. With a 200 gr Accubond it did well on plains game. Hard to get one as a lefty, though. I am...