Reviving the 300 Win Mag / 200 Accubonds

Guide texted me back, says he has December 23rd available, I was like heck yeah and I would love to have a Christmas nilgai. Been getting the process gear sorted out today,,,, bus pans, seasonings for sausages, twine, one pound bags for ground meat, tape, etc. Checking what I have and taking notes if I need something. My wife will get some beef brisket from the local market the day after the harvest, planning to do a 70 / 30 grind of nilgai / brisket. Nilgai is lean and a bit of fat will do for hamburger. Rest of the meat will be back straps, steaks and cubes. I plan to use the shoulders, rib meat, neck and scraps for the grind. Not sure if I will leave the rib meat alone and cut the ribs into smaller shanks for smoking in the smoker for a day outside and watch the playoffs and snack on ribs. Thinking of some Christmas / New Year nilgai tamales if my wife is up for making some. The process will take about 2 days from previous experience because I'm meticulous in removing fiber and unwanted inedible connective tissues. Got the LEM grinder and stuffer out as well.
BBQ those ribs.I like them better than beef ribs.I have a battery reciprocating saw.While the carcass is still hanging,I like to cut the ribs in strips about five inches wide.It's way easier than trying cut that way and much easier to package or cook that way too.Those ribs are also very good roasted in the oven too.Here is another 300 Win Mag 200gr AccuBond Load I like to.

BBQ those ribs.I like them better than beef ribs.I have a battery reciprocating saw.While the carcass is still hanging,I like to cut the ribs in strips about five inches wide.It's way easier than trying cut that way and much easier to package or cook that way too.Those ribs are also very good roasted in the oven too.Here is another 300 Win Mag 200gr AccuBond Load I like to.

We think alike. That was my plan to cut them into small pieces. I have the Rigid sawzall, but I need to use the power inverter if using it in the field. I'm sure the guide has a 120V outlet at camp. I got a smoked beef rib recipe that I can use with my own homemade rub. ;) I like your Dutch oven pot. I never used them, but I like to get one. Any recommendations? Only thing is I have the glass stovetop, and not sure if I can use it on that compared to a gas stove.
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With all this talk of 338s and 375s it's curious to note that the 224 Texas Trophy Hunter was created to shoot Nilgai in south Texas.
Where did the bullet impact? Looks like a solid shoulder hit to me.

Shoulder he was running. Came off the recoil and no deer, I walked about 100 yards and found him. Solid shoulder shot. Some guys from Utah said he cartwheeled. The 300 hid that from me.
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With all this talk of 338s and 375s it's curious to note that the 224 Texas Trophy Hunter was created to shoot Nilgai in south Texas.
Hunting guides won't allow you to hunt nilgai with that caliber, they stipulate 30 caliber and above for many reasons.
Hunting guides won't allow you to hunt nilgai with that caliber, they stipulate 30 caliber and above for many reasons.
I learned something. I didn't realize they had a caliber restriction.
I do have specialty pistols in 300 SAUM, 300 RUM, and 375 H&H.
Enjoy Your Hunt.
Nilgai has always been a bucket list animal for me.
Right after the first of the year I will be doing some night hunting for coyotes, bobcat, fox, and hogs with a 22 Creed specialty pistol, that is suppressed, with a thermal optic. Will be shooting from standing positions with a tripod.
Cold bore with the suppressor on it for the first time, my first four shots were sub half MOA at 100 yards with the 80 grain ELD-M at 3050 fps, with my day scope on it. Put the thermal on after that.
Was able to get out and check the zero on the 300 WM with Norma virgin brass, H1000 and 200 Accubonds the other day in late afternoon. It had rained a little bit a few days prior. I got to the shooting bench, and golly I saw one of the biggest bull nilgai tracks ever walking behind that shooting bench towards a thicket. I heard that there was nilgai seen in that area, but the land belongs to a friend and I respect his property, no high fences and its free range. Anyways I hung a 10 inch steel plate at 400 yards and a paper target at 100. I got set up on the bench and got the ammo from my bag and earplugs and sheesh, I asked my wife the day before to remind me to take the Xero, but she forgot to remind me but its no excuse, I take the blame. :D I checked the Kestrel for my data, my last velocity when I tested the load and it was at 2,980 fps. Wind was left to right 5-7 mph roughly. Settled the ATACR 5-25 crosshairs @100 and fired a cold bore shot and it hit about a half inch high and a little to the right, and 2nd shot was right above and touching the first shot which I am happy with and left it as it and adjusted the windage and elevation knobs to zero. I checked the Kestrel and the 400 yard come ups is at 5.25 MOA and windage was not much and was not worth adjusting at that point, I rather see how much the wind would carry that heavy bullet out to 400 with 5-7 mph wind so I used the hash marks instead of dialing it in, squeezed off a shot and impact was 3.5 inches right of the center of the plate, I was all grins, and loaded another round to confirm, and same splash in the same spot. Book closed and its ready for Monday's hunt. Washed three ice chests and having them ready to fill with ice at 4 am when I pick up my daughter. Loaded the truck with all the gear. We will meet the hunting guide at a gas station an hour away, grab some tacos, and we will head off to the ranch. Can't wait.
Side note, the 200 AccuBond data @400 is 5.25 MOA while the 200 ELDX is 4.6 MOA. I like flat shooting bullets, but the ELDX is not up to par for me on nilgai shoulder bone. Plan on Monday morning is to find a solid bull and if we don't, then I'll get two nilgai cows.


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