Proximal Tendon Tear ; Am I risking further damage?


Aug 19, 2012
I developed this (the Long Head tore, resulting in the bicep balling up into what is called "Popeye Arm") back in early summer. I have shot my Kimber 270 all summer, no issues. Then shot the 338 RPM (its braked) sparingly, with no issues. But I decided to go to Sporter Weight rifles again. I'm having a Decelrator pad put on my recently purchased Mod 700 Classic 30-06 (no brake, don't want one on it) my recently purchased wood stocked Vanguard in .270 has a nice pad on it already. Thealso recently purchased Remington 700 in 300 Wby is in a synthetic stock but Sporter Weight; I'm having it braked , it already has a Decelerator pad. Has anyone ever had this issue? Will shooting the 300 Wby, even braked/good pad, put me at risk for further damage? The Physical Therapist said surgery was not an option, been torn too long or something. I have no problem just staying with the 30-06/270 level, even selling the 300 Wby if it will save any more damage, you know? I just need some "Shooter" input. Non Shooters mean well, but they don't really know? Any opinions welcomed. Dang, it tough getting older!
My tendons in my right shoulder are tore so I’m not able to reach behind my hip to draw a gun, good thing I carry appendix, or lift things above my head but I shoot rifles left handed.

Handguns I carry and shoot right handed. Wish I could help you more but maybe learning to shoot with the opposite hand might be an option for you?

Thanks Pard. I have quite a bit of motion range, just tender. I figure I will also start wearing my PAST Recoil Shield at the Range. Along wiith the brake/good pad I should be fine. From what I can ascertain, any damage is from "prolonged, accumulative recoil, i.e. 200-400 rds of Trap etc." I appreciate any and all answers. Thanks again Uncle Vince. Oh yeah, I can't shoot left handed as I am Right eye dominant and legally blind in my left eye! ha I told you, getting old ain't for sissys!
i don't see how it could being the bicep? are you asking because of recoil or carry weight? unless the "shock" of the recoil activates/irritates the issue, then yes. i'll ask my science kid. he doesn't shoot as much as i do, but may have the logistics of it?
I had read that damage could occur from the Recoil. I too have about 80-90% strength in the arm. So weight just has to be handled carefully. I sling on left shoulder anyhow. If you look at an anatomical drawing its the tendon on the inside of the shoulder that attaches the bicep to the shoulder. There are two, this one is called the Long Head of the tendon. Sometimes they tear off the elbow and you to have surgery for sure. Since there are essentially "two at the shoulder, you still retain alot of motion, or can. Surgery may or may not fix it as you can run into other shoulder issues then. So they don't recommend it.
I developed this (the Long Head tore, resulting in the bicep balling up into what is called "Popeye Arm") back in early summer. I have shot my Kimber 270 all summer, no issues. Then shot the 338 RPM (its braked) sparingly, with no issues. But I decided to go to Sporter Weight rifles again. I'm having a Decelrator pad put on my recently purchased Mod 700 Classic 30-06 (no brake, don't want one on it) my recently purchased wood stocked Vanguard in .270 has a nice pad on it already. Thealso recently purchased Remington 700 in 300 Wby is in a synthetic stock but Sporter Weight; I'm having it braked , it already has a Decelerator pad. Has anyone ever had this issue? Will shooting the 300 Wby, even braked/good pad, put me at risk for further damage? The Physical Therapist said surgery was not an option, been torn too long or something. I have no problem just staying with the 30-06/270 level, even selling the 300 Wby if it will save any more damage, you know? I just need some "Shooter" input. Non Shooters mean well, but they don't really know? Any opinions welcomed. Dang, it tough getting older!
I would get a second opinion regarding having it repaired. My dad tore his bicep loose in each arm at different times and had them repaired. All good now. It was caused from repetitive motion of tying rebar for concrete construction. Not having it attached made for almost zero use of his arm until they could fix it. One of them came loose pulling an elk off of a mountain.
I hope you find a solution. I cannot imagine not being able to use an arm. I understand the use of PT to repair it, but I would still think an orthopedic expert would have a better idea than a PT. Good luck.
Thanks sir. The end that tears off the elbow does that to you. You still have one up at the shoulder working, so I can use my arm, just not in the full range.
A lead sled or similar type rest might also be of some help.

My shoulders are shot. 55+ years pushing a wheelchair and walking on crutches will do that to ya. My tears are in-operable on the back side of the scapula (supra spinatus and infraspinatus) so not necessarily your situation. Recoil will definitely give me more pain. Biggeest affect I see there is a pain flinch, cramping, numbness and loss of strength. I dont shoot off hand as much, strength and control are lacking. Sticks, and any of the rests and Bog pods might be worth borrowing when you get the chance. Maybe find a guy who does stock fitting. Have him recommend or adjust a stock as you hold it in a way that is comfortable for you.

I shoot cause its therapeutic for my blood pressure and soul. I found an orthopedic surgeon whos says, "we'll keep you shooting!" Between you and a realistic Doc, you should be able to find a way. CL
I developed this (the Long Head tore, resulting in the bicep balling up into what is called "Popeye Arm") back in early summer. I have shot my Kimber 270 all summer, no issues. Then shot the 338 RPM (its braked) sparingly, with no issues. But I decided to go to Sporter Weight rifles again. I'm having a Decelrator pad put on my recently purchased Mod 700 Classic 30-06 (no brake, don't want one on it) my recently purchased wood stocked Vanguard in .270 has a nice pad on it already. Thealso recently purchased Remington 700 in 300 Wby is in a synthetic stock but Sporter Weight; I'm having it braked , it already has a Decelerator pad. Has anyone ever had this issue? Will shooting the 300 Wby, even braked/good pad, put me at risk for further damage? The Physical Therapist said surgery was not an option, been torn too long or something. I have no problem just staying with the 30-06/270 level, even selling the 300 Wby if it will save any more damage, you know? I just need some "Shooter" input. Non Shooters mean well, but they don't really know? Any opinions welcomed. Dang, it tough getting older!
I tore that long head away in the top of my right arm. Moving a table without warming up. Surgeon said it will likely cause more pain and problems to fix it. He was the team doctor for a SoCal Pro baseball team and said the pitcher lost his weeks before the World series and was still able to pitch. Usually lose about 10% strength in that arm. I notice it doing curls thumb out. Left arm is stronger now than my right. Haven't noticed it being an issue shooting, but haven't been shooting Magnums. Very careful now with the other arm. Warm up before doing stuff. Do careful weight training. Build up slowly.
I tore mine weight lifting. Right arm. Didn’t seek treatment or diagnosis. I’ve had orthopedic surgeries in my knee and being in my mid 60’s, I don’t heal particularly fast.
It’s been over a year now and my arm is getting back to full strength. Lefts feels better and is a little stronger, but that balled up bicep feeling is getting less frequent. Guessing it’s atrophy of the part torn off.

As far as things to tear… probably one of the better ones. Range of motion is pretty full, but weak in a couple spots…
I agree Michigan! All I really have is some pain, and a little loss of motion, but so far, so good. No one here seems worried about it, ha.
Well, well, well! After a long discussion with the Physical Therapist today...I decided NOT to chance it! Falling back to 30-06/270 level (with good Pads, i.e. LimbSaver for now) gonna sell the 300 Wby and stuff. Its OK, for the way I hunt anymore, thats more than plenty! I could of killed 4 of the 5 cows I've killed with a 30-30! No use playing with an obvious injury she said. I agree. No sweat, I appreciate everyone's input. I'm still 17 "In Here" but somewhere along the Line, my body "betrayed me", lol.
I guess it’s better to be able to hunt than not at all.
Back in 2010 at 39 I had a serious repair to my right shoulder. Today I’m still able to shoot my 416 and 460 Wbys but can’t draw and hold a bow back. Go figure.
Hopefully they can get you mended up.
Yes, I'm still checking around, asking questions. Its been over 23 yrs since I played with the 40 Cals and above. Back then I had a "maybe" opportunity in South Africa to cull a Buffalo and maybe take a lioness. It didn't work out. I played with several , I like them all, but heaviest I owne/shot was 458 WM. I briefly owned a beautiful 458 Lott for awhile but had to sell before I even shot it. I had a 404 Jeffery, a couple three 458WM, 416 Taylor, 416 Remington, 416 Rigby, three 375 H&H, and one 375 Wby. Not all at same time, I never accumulate, if I want something different I sell/trade an existing rifle to finance the next. Just a personal preference. I once shot a 450 Ackley, and a 416 Wby. Both were brutal, ha. I always wanted a Ruger Number 1 in either 405 Winchester or even better, the 450/400
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I'm just not ready to "accept" too much limitations on this shoulder. I'm going to have a good brake put on this 300 Wby and give it a chance. I have electric ears, so don't care really how loud it will be. Don't care if someone believes " I'm overgunned by "having" to brake it either"! :)
A good brake will turn the fire breathing dragon into a pussycat.

Well, before I could cancel my for sale Ad, a Dad wanted it for his young adult son! I sold it! Last minute too, I was just about to take it "back" to my Smith! He makes ( I have used them since the late '90s) a 3 Port 90 deg Baffle type. Its very effective. I like them on varmint/coyote rifle so you can see your bullet strike. It was only about 30 % though on a 20" 416 Taylor with 350gr Barnes! ha And loud! I traded that thing off! Anyhow guys, if I ever get another magnum, I think it will be one of the 25 to 7mm caliber ones. As it is, I'm happy with my Mod 700 Classic 30-06 andmy 270. Thanks guys!