Inauguration day is here....


Dec 24, 2011
Here's to you and yours enjoying the next 4 years which could be the next dozen years.

May your favorite powder be plentiful, affordable and available.
May your bullets and primers be equally positive.

May your shooting be true.

Be safe out there it's a bright new day!!
Man, did he hit the ground running! E.O.'s are flying off his desk, and Homan is already rounding up criminal illegals. Even managed to answer more questions in an hour than geriatric Joe did in 4 years. I had to chuckle when he shut down the reporter for interrupting him. I think he learned a lot from the first go around about picking a team, who to trust, and out of the gate keep to the media in check. The left just can't seem to wrap their heads around the fact that a majority made their voices clear in November. I just hope there is some accountability when these politicians and swamp dwellers get caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
Man, did he hit the ground running! E.O.'s are flying off his desk, and Homan is already rounding up criminal illegals. Even managed to answer more questions in an hour than geriatric Joe did in 4 years. I had to chuckle when he shut down the reporter for interrupting him. I think he learned a lot from the first go around about picking a team, who to trust, and out of the gate keep to the media in check. The left just can't seem to wrap their heads around the fact that a majority made their voices clear in November. I just hope there is some accountability when these politicians and swamp dwellers get caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
Well I decided to stay off politics here
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Always good.
Might be hard to resist tho.

"defined "female" and "male" as "a person belonging, at conception to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell" and a "person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell" respectively."

So we are all female?