Must have powders

I have found Ramshot Enforcer to be almost a twin to 2400. Additionally it is available everywhere.
Just FYI, Ramshot Enforcer and Accurate 4100 are the same powder, just different labels. Here's an example from the Western Powder load data, for 45 Colt (30K PSI):

I think I would be varget, h4350, h1000 and retumbo would see me get by pretty comfortably. Like someone else said, the availability of alliant powders and their price is here is more than eye watering. At present we really don’t have a lot of choice outside of ADI powders, fortunately they make pretty good stuff.
I survive on H335, IMR4064, CFE223, and W760. I much prefer ball powders because of how well they meter. IMR4064 is just so versatile that II put up with it’s crappy Lincoln log kernels.
Started out with IMR powders then Winchester 748 and 760 . Got a few more different caliber rifles a started using the Hodgdon an Reloder powders . Lately been trying the VihtaVuori powders an really getting to like them.
I remember my Dad telling me that in the 40's and 50's his Dad used only 4831, 4895 and 335, all surplus for his rifles. It came in paper sacks from the hardware store. He would store it in old water pump fluid cans that looked just like the powder tins of the time.

He also bought Pistol powder that wasn't surplus. Dupont 6. I still have a tin of that. It makes a whisper quiet 38 long colt load when used in a rifle.

When my Dad was in Korea, Grandad shipped him a 38 special with ammo made with that powder. Dad said since he wasn't on the front line he and the rest of the construction folks were issued second hand gear including a 45 that was worse than throwing rocks.
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I have a load everything up to the 375HH using H4350, that being said I would love to have an 8lb of rl17 for the 257 and 275; rl 22 for the 7mag and the 06 and rl 26 for the 338 Jarrett. I have a couple pounds of each but it’s finite. Of the Rl series if I could gain reasonable access to only one I’d take a couple big jugs of rl 26.
If you happen through Boise on your way home from AZ I might let you talk me out of some R-22. I don't use it anymore and it's getting up there in age, late 90's to early 2000's, when they still put the 5lbers in cardboard jugs.

No soup (R-26) for you though (in my best soup nazi voice). A guy just listed a 8lber for 1000.00 locally.
If you happen through Boise on your way home from AZ I might let you talk me out of some R-22. I don't use it anymore and it's getting up there in age, late 90's to early 2000's, when they still put the 5lbers in cardboard jugs.

No soup (R-26) for you though (in my best soup nazi voice). A guy just listed a 8lber for 1000.00 locally.
I could live without the soup but would like some RL22:ROFLMAO:
It took me a while to remember back when I might have had only four powders on the shelf. It must have been IMR 3031 for 30-30 win, IMR 4350 for 243Win, IMR 4895 for 30-06 semi auto, and my first Hodgdon powder 4831 for 270win and 30-06 bolt. Shortly after that came powders for handguns and all sorts of rifles. I guess in a pinch I could live with 4895, 4831, 4350, and 231.
If you happen through Boise on your way home from AZ I might let you talk me out of some R-22. I don't use it anymore and it's getting up there in age, late 90's to early 2000's, when they still put the 5lbers in cardboard jugs.

No soup (R-26) for you though (in my best soup nazi voice). A guy just listed a 8lber for 1000.00 locally.
Probably be coming thru April 8 or 9 I’ll let you know.
I have others but these are no doubt my go to powders .......... RL22, RL25, H4350, Varget & RL15.
I have a load everything up to the 375HH using H4350, that being said I would love to have an 8lb of rl17 for the 257 and 275; rl 22 for the 7mag and the 06 and rl 26 for the 338 Jarrett. I have a couple pounds of each but it’s finite. Of the Rl series if I could gain reasonable access to only one I’d take a couple big jugs of rl 26.
BTW my 338 Baer rifles love H-1000, 7828, and R-22. The Baer case has slighlty more body taper than the Jarrett, or 338-358STA when we were messing with it l, but otherwise are quite close to each other. We ended up just staying with straight 8mm mag based cases (30-8mm, 338-8mm, 375-8mm or 375 JRS) so we didn't have to fireform cases. I would almost bet you could good velocity with Retumbo and N571 too.
BTW my 338 Baer rifles love H-1000, 7828, and R-22. The Baer case has slighlty more body taper than the Jarrett, or 338-358STA when we were messing with it l, but otherwise are quite close to each other. We ended up just staying with straight 8mm mag based cases (30-8mm, 338-8mm, 375-8mm or 375 JRS) so we didn't have to fireform cases. I would almost bet you could good velocity with Retumbo and N571 too.
7828 was good when I tested it. I’d have to look in the book but as I recall no reservations on using it. H1000 was interesting. I was getting pressure signs with it before getting to 2950 and I got sticky bolt lift at 2950. Accuracy was good and really at 2875 to 2900 an elk isn’t going to know the difference and inside 500 yards it just wont matter when compared to RL 26.