What time do you retirees get up?


Sep 17, 2013
I will turn 74 this month and have been retired for about 8 years. Every day I still wake up between 5:00 AM and 6:00 AM without an alarm. Three or four times a year I might sleep until 7:00 AM but there generally are unusual circumstances involved. On days I plan to hunt I will set an alarm to make sure that I wake up when I want to. But, all the other days I still wake up between 5:00 and 6:00. If by some chance I go to bed early, like if I have been sick, I might wake up even earlier. I just can't "sleep in".

How the rest of you retirees? Can you "sleep in".
I've been retired for 2 years now and sure have adjusted to 6 Saturdays a week. It really doesn't matter what time I go to bed now, I never sleep past 0700 hrs. I love watching the woods waking up and the sunrise every morning.

I am not retired, but have been accused of being retarded more than once. With friends like mine…you know the rest. 😂

I am awake at 5am every morning whether its a workday or not. Early to bed, early to rise and all that.

If our baby girl lets me, and I remember to put on my CPAP, I sleep generally 6-7 hours per night. I haven’t slept in in so long, I am not sure I could.
I'm 67, I retired 10 years ago at 57. I drove truck for 34 years mostly at night (freight hauler).
I also have farmed our 90 acres, since we bought this place in 1994.
I have broken sleep, usually awake after 4 hours of sleep, very unusual for me to sleep straight 6 hours.
Always up by 4am and up until 9pm or 10pm.
I haven't used an alarm clock forever though I do have one beside my bed so I know if I need to get up when I wake up. The internal clock has always gotten me up on time starting back for as long as I can remember.
I normally go to bed around 23:00hrs and I'm awake around 0400-0500. Here of late it has been 0300 and will lounge until the sun rise starts showing in my east facing bedroom window and that will get me up and going.
My internal clock doesn't adjust for daylight savings time and I hate it when they go off eastern standard time.
Retired for almost seven years, and will be 65 this fall.
I get up between 4 and 4:30 every morning.
This morning it was 3:55.
Right after the time change I was getting up at 3-3:30, but have settled a little as my body has gotten used to the change.
I retired from the PD at 47 and moved from Connecticut to Florida three days later. I generally wake up at 0630 and first order of business is a coffee and a sit on the back porch. Since retiring I've worked a large variety of part time jobs none of which required and early rise. At 80 I do one small job and that's delivering commercial fishing tackle for and old Boss that I worked for previously. Until my heart attack I did a lot of SCUBA diving and kept my fridge/freezer full of fish and lobster. Now it's just occasional Rod and Reel (which is very peaceful and satisfying). Can't complain at all besides when you do nobody listens!!!!!
Wow. I thought it was just me that couldn't sleep in. Been retired almost seven years. Spent almost 41 years on CSX working all hours, on call. Now it doesn't matter if I go to bed at 10,11, midnight I wake up 0430-0600. Past 0600 is a rarity.
I retired in 2003. Worked rotating shifts for 33 years. I still haven't gotten my sleep pattern squared away. Some mornings up around 5 or 6, others as a late as 10. My latest cancer regime has left me quite tired at times. One of the problems is dehydration. Bladder wakes me up almost on a schedule through the night. I usually all asleep with minutes afterwards.
Paul B.
I am the odd man out here. When I retired the alarm clock went for a swim. I have always been a night owl so tend to stay up late and get up mid morning. With our amount of daylight change getting up at a set time is tough unless an alarm clock is used.
I retired a year and a half ago after getting up at 4:15 AM every morning for a long, long time. I thought I'd naturally be up for the sunrise every morning from here on out, but I more naturally awaken anytime between from about 6 to 8 AM. I also thought I'd have to seek out things to keep me busy, but for some reason I am as busy as ever anymore. I DO waste too much time on the internet, though. Sigh. I guess it's better than being a vegetable in a recliner in front of a television.