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  1. B

    Nosler Resizing Dies & Technique for Bullet Accuracy Tests?

    What does Nosler do? Full length resize? If so, how much? Partial full length resize? Neck only resize? What case prep is done? Thanks.
  2. B

    Load data for 168 grain Custom Competition in a 308 Win????

    Sierra Bullets used about 42 - 43 grains of IMR4064 in light weight .308 Western Cartridge Company cases testing their special production runs of 168's. This load would shoot consecutive 10-shot groups in the ones (under .2-inch) in their 100 yard test range with these special bullets. Same...
  3. B

    Loading for Accurate Ammo

    Barge's reply struck a good point. Bench shooting is not easy to master. Consider the following. In benchrest matches, most folks shoot their rifles resting atop bags or mechanical rests in free recoil. They pinch the few-ounce trigger off using their thumb and forefinger. This method is...
  4. B

    Another reason the .308 is so cool !

    To sweeten this thread on the .308 Win., it's the cartridge that has shot the smallest groups ever at 600 yards. Several ten-shot groups were fired from a Hart-barreled Win. Model 70 from full-length sized cases using Lapua 185-gr. bullets. Group sizes ranged from about 1.4 inches down to .75...
  5. B

    Loading for Accurate Ammo

    Found this thread looking for something else that's related. Thought I would plant a few seeds for thought. The most accurate rifles I know of have shot reloads using full-length sized cases. And their bullets are seated out to touch the lands which centers them pretty well centered in the...