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  1. noslerpartition

    300 WM, 180 AB, & RL-23

    Definitely minute of deer! Yeah. You might shrink the group. But for hunting, I would stop right there....
  2. noslerpartition

    Another use For Ramshot big game

    Outsch. I see critters exploding at shorter ranges with that combo! Looks great, let us know how it works on game.
  3. noslerpartition

    Primers.......anybody seeing them show up?

    I found CCI LR here in Germany. €125/1000, but I need some...
  4. noslerpartition

    1-7 twist 25/06 first trip to the range

    We have a similar design as Hammer bullets over here in Europe that deliver high speed at low pressure. Had them tested and couldn't believe the results. But further tests with other batches and powders confirmed the results. 3050 FPS and far below max pressure in a 308 and a 150 gr bullet was...
  5. noslerpartition

    lead bullet ban on the way ?

    Well. I use lead free for more than 10 years now. Really long range? Nope. Most won't open past a certain distance. But then you can choose between some acting more like a bonded bullet (Barnes, GMX, e-tipp, ...) And others that act more like cup and core (hammer and Lehigh on your side of the...
  6. noslerpartition

    Cheap Scopes.

    I go for cheaper scopes for driven hunts. Light is good then. Otherwise, our game comes out dusk or dawn where you need all the transmission you can get. And 50-56 mm front diameter.
  7. noslerpartition

    Still Think This Is A Free Country ?

    Dude - I am thousands of miles away and don't feel able to judge. But let me tell you that reading that about world's most powerful army with tons of nuclear heads doesn't make us calm down. I still can't grab all of your election processes. From my point of view, 50,1 % nation-wide should be...
  8. noslerpartition

    Still Think This Is A Free Country ?

    Looking at that from an ocean away: does it mean both sides? I rely on press (FAKE NEWS!!!), but there might be some off stuff on both sides. Are you really going for a civil war again? And what is the goal?
  9. noslerpartition

    Getting old(er)

    So it finally happened. My boys (18 and almost 16) live with their mum. The younger has a girlfriend now for a few months and this weekend, she stays with us. What shall I say? Nice girl - optics and character. And she shoots!!!!! Took me back a few decades seeing them cuddle on the couch while...
  10. noslerpartition

    Dad's 30-06

    My 30-06 isn't a classic - a Tikka from 2009. With my handloads I stopped below moa, because that's all I need for hunting. The barrel approaches the end of it's life and I am still unsure if I go for another cartridge. It did all it was supposed to do and more. I'd like to add a classic - bit...
  11. noslerpartition

    bullet testing question

    I'd rather have them at my normal shooting distance. Closer you can test how solid thy are. At 150-200 y you see if they still perform.
  12. noslerpartition

    I'm a Vegetarian As It Turns Out

    I call myself a second-hand vegan, because I like eating vegan animals. Well - ok, I like pork, too.
  13. noslerpartition

    Whoa! Glad it wasn’t me!

    I just reloaded with/for a friend on Friday. He had a bunch of once fired Norma brass (.308) and bought a hundred more. If you consider case life 5-10 reloads, we ended up around a Euro/Dollar per bang with a sillily cheap brass bullet that works very well. He happily paid for the BBQ after...
  14. noslerpartition

    lead bullet ban on the way ?

    The problem with Tungsten-cores is: it is very hard. Actually tanks use Tungsten ammo to penetrate Armor. So it would be fmj, not d forming. Which is good for the purpose Guy mentioned, but for normal hunting less than ideal. Maybe with a frangible mix with plastics.
  15. noslerpartition

    lead bullet ban on the way ?

    Jupp. Never had one causing me much trouble.
  16. noslerpartition

    lead bullet ban on the way ?

    Don't know about your lefts, but I agree that with shotguns the changes are more prominent. Steel? Not really. Bismuth? Okay-ish, but worse than lead Tungsten? YES! But the price....
  17. noslerpartition

    lead bullet ban on the way ?

    IF you want performance close to lead core: don't use the deformators. There are some that fragment upon impact. Lehigh for US products. Several others from Europe. I have to say: all of them limit effective range. Copper/gilding metal is simply harder than lead. But they do work on...
  18. noslerpartition

    lead bullet ban on the way ?

    I am a food chemist by profession and since some predators of bird of prey have different physiology, they might suffer if you leave the innards with 10-50 % of the lead in them for them to feed on. Like it or not. Same with water fowl if they pick it up while feedind. I use lead free for...
  19. noslerpartition

    lead bullet ban on the way ?

    In Germany, lead free shot is mandatory for years near water. Bullets are in state owned forests and will be everywhere soon. To a certain degree I can actually understand that, but the science is still not where I would like it to be.
  20. noslerpartition

    Way back small game

    Love the stories of what you're able to do over there. Small game hunting hardly exists here any more and squirrels are no legal game at all. The few hares we have we let go. Modern agriculture did it's thing :-(