For the size you have in mind, I'd look at the Buck 124. Full tang, with a blade thickness of at least 3/16". I have had one for 35 years or so, and they are perfect for splitting kindling and other camp chores.
The twist calculator says the 310 is fine at 1:16, but many have said it doesn't work. Not sure on the 275's length. My rifles are 1:12 and 1:14 so I don't have any issue.
Emailed and they sent back a reply with data for their heavies. figured it would be a good starting point for anyone looking for this hard to find info.
For the 35 Whelan 275 gr PP SN;
H4895 48 to 53 gr 2088 to 2320 fps
Varget 50 to 55 gr 2142 to 2305 fps
Reloder 15 52 to 57 gr...
I did some reading, and I am only going to bed the lug and the tang. I'll install pillars first, then bed the action. Hopefully this will correct the issues I am seeing. Next time out I'll take a second scope though!
I'll do some reading. I am still waiting on the pilot for the pillar cutter. Not worried about the has to be done. Not my first bedding job either, just my first M70.
The scope has always been solid, and I had it on a 300 Wby before this, and that rifle always shot little bug holes. Of course, I didn't remove it and try another, but did confirm everything was snug.
At this point, bedding is must, since I already hogged out the stock :)
I need to bed my M70, and have a quick question for the hive mind. The rifle has been shooting two separate groups, but with the Pac-Nor barrel it should be shooting tiny little holes. Should I bed the entire action in the stock or just the front and rear?
I already pulled all the nasty...
That's where we will be as well. Have a good stand for my daughter to hopefully get her first. The camera has seen 5 bears coming in on a regular basis. I'll likely be hoofing it up the closed roads into some of the high berry patches looking for mine.
From what I was able to find (Post from 2008), on scopes where the max magnification gives you a filed of view of less than 20 Mils, they don't put the Hash Marks on the reticle. Even though you would be able to use them at a lower power on a FFP scope, they probably leave them off for the same...
I prefer to have the sticks further out towards the end of the forearm. I find the gun doesn't wobble as much when it isn't supported right near the balance point.