No problem taking the shot. I always have shooting sticks with me. .280 Remington sighted at 200. 140gr TSX. Aim just in front of last rib 2 inches below spine.
Just a hair to the left of the tallest scrub. .280 Remington 140 Barnes TSX(all I have loaded right now), It would probably catch the off side shoulder and have a good chance of him not going anywhere or very far for that matter
I would recommend the Howa ranchland compact. Good strong actions that come in various calibers. Plus compact and easy to get in and out of tractors/trucks. Also I would look at the TC Venture as well. Very nice and accurate guns.
.243 would be my vote solely on ammo. They have 7mm-08 but...
I've only killed one big game animal with something other than a .280. It was my first deer killed with a Sauer 200 in .243. I have 2 .280's. A custom and the Anniversary that Dr Mike has as well.
700 Classic in .264 for deer(will be the first time I've killed a deer with something other than a .280 since 1991, my first deer)
If I draw a NE elk tag, the old trusty .280 will get the nod