Barnes TSX/TTSX in my house is always used through both shoulders.
Ballistic Tips and VLD's go behind the shoulder through the lungs.
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If you want to stick with a Leupold scope, either the LR duplex or the Boone & Crockett reticle might work better for you than the CDS dials. Most can get to 400 or 500 yards pretty consistently with those reticles
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I also suffer from neuroma in my feet. Doc prescribed custom insoles - one set for work shoes and one set for athletic shoes. They help greatly.
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One thing I've always done with the TSX/TTSX is drive them fast and break shoulders. Do that and they will plow through the bones and completely wreck an animals chances of moving very far.
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I've always had best luck seating Barnes TSX/TTSX at a depth where the bottom of the top band is even with the top of the neck or just slightly deeper
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I recently picked up a 260 Remington built by Jon Beanland so I'm going to hunt with that rifle this year. Just deer.
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