Throw the reloader 22 back in the closet and stick with the IMR 7828. Tried the re22 and velocity is 200 fps slower than what is being achieved with the 7828. Accuracy is excellent , also with the 7828. The re22 gives acceptible accuracy, but the velocity sucks.
After fireforming and trimming I neck size everything. I still have Browning 300 Winchester magnum brass that is in use. It has been annealed, but all neck sized. The less you work it, the longer it will last.
I have AO on all of my scopes, except the leupold on my 22. Love that feature. Where I am living the shots across stubble fields can be long and I have the time to set up on the bipod, clear the image and wait for a perfect presentation. Wouldn't be without it.
That looks great, Guy. I'm thinking that they have beefed them up a bit because I used the 180's years ago in my 300 and they were explosive at those velocities. A few hundred fps makes a big difference in expansion characteristics, for sure.
I have about 1000 25 06 that I have formed from 30 06 and 270 winchester. They function great, the component bullets will slide in the case after they are fireformed easily. All that is required is a 25 06 full length sizing die and a case trimmer after you size em. Have fun.
If they do consider producing the 270 Weatherby, I might have to break down and get another one. Just picked up a Lasermark a little while ago, and haven't had a chance to shoot it yet. Been too cold and have been working too much. I think that this one is #7. Best caliber ever created.
Marlin 1895 XLR 45 70
Weatherby Mark V Lasermark 270 Weatherby Magnum
Kimber 84L select grade 25 06
Marlin Golden 39 22 rimfire
A solution for anything that walks this realm of existance.
BTW hodgeman, dunno where you came up with the idea that a guide gun isn't a deer rifle. DRT and no meat...
You'll love it. I loaded mine with WW748 at 80 grains. It don't tear up deer, but a 510 grain shoulder strike on a moose will definately do some serious damage. Hundreds of groundhogs and gophers also met their demise with my shoulder cannon, and I sent hundreds of full power loads downrange at...
You are going to love it, Pop. I get the highest velocity with IMR 7828 and super groups. Mine loves 140 grain, and they are chrony'd at 3400. The 130's clock at just over 3500 fps. Brass is on the 4th loading. The 150's are just shy of 3300. Best round ever for all applications imo.