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    Hello, my name is double_d, and I have a problem!

    What a great problem 8)
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    Tell me I do NOT need this please~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Your making need sound like one of those bad four letter words. When I hear need and any kind of gun talk its my wife telling me I don't NEED any more guns that's just not right because there's lots of guns I need and so do you :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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    Waiting on the draws...

    I got lucky and drew a bull tag :grin: and buck tag time to get ready might even buy some nosler brass for the 7mm rem mag.
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    Waiting on the draws...

    I feel like a little kid waiting for christmas morning.
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    I hang my head in shame...

    $450 :shock: I think my dad and I would be fighting over that one.
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    Got me an 8mm rem Maggy!

    Wow that's a purdy one.
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    Info needed for 7mm RM 140gr E-tips with RS Hunter

    You might want to try rl 22 with the 140 gr etips very accurate.
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    Ever find a bullet like this?

    So I guess you could load it again and shoot another deer :grin:
  9. B

    barrel ?

    It definitely sounds like you need another rifle this many people can't be wrong :grin:
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    Oregon tag app deadline today

    14 points :shock: I've only got 10 :( it's not looking good for me.
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    One more sleep

    Nice rifle but the bolts on the wrong side.
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    Oregon tag app deadline today

    I keep thinking one of these years I'll draw a antelope tag :grin: put then again probably not for a few more years :(
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    Oregon tag app deadline today

    And now we wait.
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    New (used) benchrest rifle

    Congrats on your 6br about the easyest cartridge to load for. The 105 noslers are worth a look they shoot very good that's what I use in 600 yard bench rest and f class and you might want to try some 80 gr Berger fb for extreme accuracy.
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    243 vs 25-06

    I would go with a 2506 and it would be really nice if you could get a high B.C. bullet hmmm I wonder who could make one :roll:
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    Cartridges you will never be without.

    Got to have a 22 lr and I've had my 7mm rem mag since I was 14 so I can't live with out that one.
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    Nosler Bullet Wish List

    Forgot to mention a 7mm 175 AB would be nice to see.
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    Nosler Bullet Wish List

    243 105 AB 257 120/125 AB orBT What Nosler builds will help determine my next rifle.
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    Hey Nosler, why an EIGHTH 6mm bullet weighing 85-100 grains?

    All though not a hunting bullet nosler has the 105 competition bullet with a b.c. of .517 and they flat out shoot in my 6mm br. I'm sure its just as good as the hornady.
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    Loading for a 50 BMG.

    Maybe nosler can make a 750 grain Accubond talk about an Elk bullet :grin: