Search results

  1. ScreaminEagle

    Extra fine graphite ?

    I use lead shot
  2. ScreaminEagle


    Wouldn't it be awesome if Nosler offered a micro action rifle in 22 hornet, 222 rem, or 221 fireball? I would buy one in a heartbeat. Light contour barrel, synthetic stock, perfect walking varminter! How bout it Nosler?
  3. ScreaminEagle

    Rifles on your "want" list?

    Henry Rifle in 44mag Sharps M40A1 Clone 6mm Dasher CZ 527 in 22 hornet or 222rem
  4. ScreaminEagle

    I think I need a little truck gun

    What's a fair offer?
  5. ScreaminEagle

    I think I need a little truck gun

    HAHA! That's a bit outta my price range
  6. ScreaminEagle

    I think I need a little truck gun

    Anyone have a little bolt gun they wanna pass on? Would love to find a cz 527. Interested in 22 hornet, 222 rem, 223, Sent from my KFTHWI using Tapatalk
  7. ScreaminEagle

    WTT For 110gr .257 AB's AND Winchester 257 roberts+P Brass

    Got some bullets headed this way. Still need some brass. Would like at least 100pcs
  8. ScreaminEagle

    Ackley Improved

    Almost 200 down the pipe with that load. Slightly flattened primers. Maybe my chrony is off?
  9. ScreaminEagle

    Rem 700 LA bottom metal

    Brownells usually has it
  10. ScreaminEagle

    WTT For 110gr .257 AB's AND Winchester 257 roberts+P Brass

    Looking for a hundred minimum 110gr AB's to feed my 257 Ackley. Also looking for some new winchester +P brass. I have lots of stuff to trade, just tell me what your looking for. Steve
  11. ScreaminEagle

    WTB 7mm 150gr pt

    I'm pretty sure that I have some packed away. I'll check tonight. Got anything for trade?
  12. ScreaminEagle

    Redoing load development on the 22-250?

    I had the same rifle when I first started out chuck hunting. Could never get better than minute of pie plate with the thing. Hope you can figure something out
  13. ScreaminEagle

    50BMG Build

    Guy, I have been looking at those armalites
  14. ScreaminEagle

    50BMG Build

    I have been thinking of building something big. Can they be built without having to take out a second mortgage on the house? How would you go about building one? Steve
  15. ScreaminEagle

    Ackley Improved

    AI a 30-30, and you have a whole nother beast! I'm getting 3450fps with a 110gr Accubond and IMR4350 in my 257 Roberts AI. I'm happy that i went that route. Its just fun to have something a little different, something others havent seen.
  16. ScreaminEagle

    Lilja polygonal 3 groove

    I have a 3-groove pacnor ss supermatch on my 257 ackley. It shoots great, and easy to clean! Shoots 110gr Nosler AB's at 3450fps
  17. ScreaminEagle

    Your loads for 30-06

    Remington model 700 Classic 30-06 180gr Speer Deep Curl 57.8gr IMR 4350 Win Brass CCI 200 LRP Don't know about velocity, but it will put them in one ragged hole at 100yds
  18. ScreaminEagle

    Scope guru's help me out!

    I think that is about the closest I have found. Anyone else?