54.5grs H4895 seated to the middle of the top groove with a light crimp from a Lee FCD is lights out from my Titanium. Performance on whitetails has been as expected, full pass throughs, heavy and short blood trails if they move.
Thanks guys
I've shot this load for years, it's a slammer on our TN whitetails
And shooting like that from a Ruger.....everyone knows Rugers aren't accurate........ :)
I'm an H4831 man myself. 59-60grs with a 180 gets me 2737fps, excellent accuracy and low spreads. I've read many places that you can't get enough H4831 in an /06 case to get in trouble.
I use 4350 but not in my /06's.
Case mouths look like factory crimps on once fired brass, I could be wrong though?
Good call on the case lube, I assumed these were just fired cases so I wasn't thinking lube.
If you're looking for pressure reading primers don't tell a whole lot. Flat primers, cratered primers can be created by high pressure, low pressure, head space or an over sized firing pin hole.
Primer looks fine to me
Thanks again.
Yeah finding info has been tougher than I figured. Sierra says 34.6grs is tops, I saw a few places where 33.0grs IMR4198 is 2050-2100fps and H4198 data is 38.0grs as max around 2400fps.
I will chrono the 33gr load soon and go from there. I shot 2 different 3 shot groups at...
I shoot the 200gr Hornady SP with H4895 and the 220 Speer with 3031 from my .358 Win. The Speers strike around 1" higher at 100yds so I got lucky and don't have to fiddle with the zero.
Good catch as that would have ended bad.
I double charged a 44 Mag case one time, luckily I was using A2400 and 38grs just won't hardly fit. I cleaned up my mess and decided that tomorrow looked to be a better day.
I run 25grs of sr4759 with 110's from my 30/06's with no filler and no hang fires. I run 13grs of HS6 with 300's in my 45/70 with no fillers or hang fires. My money is on some other issue. A guy reloaded some ammo for me before I started reloading myself and I experienced hang fires. His...