Ask Fotis...Its a pussycat on the bench.
Wear a mouthguard.... I can send photos
of my chipped teeth. I have .340 time.
Seriously its the best caliber I have. Skid
Mine doesn't have a brake and its a 50mm VX3 4.5x14LR
1750 is a no brainer . Ask anyone that has one and they will
tell you the same...Its a great caliber and rifle.
I was thinking of buying a new "Browning" Winchester Model 70
Featherweight in .264 win mag would I too be disappointed, anyone have
any experience with these new manufacture guns? Skid.
I say go for it ! But be prepared for the fever,
it's just like shooting and reloading it's addictive
and can be expensive. And Mike is right, I gave up rifle hunting
for a decade when I learned the skills to get close to game
it gave hunting a whole new meaning. Here's a few of my goodies...
Mike I have a question.
The wood stocks on your rifles look great and I
know the area and extreme weather in your neck
of the woods. My question is how well does a wood stock
hold up in those temps ? Is there something you do like
sealing them or anything to keep them from moving around ?
I loaded some of these with trailboss earlier this year and shot
them at jugs but the velocity was around 1400 and of course there
was no expansion. Has anyone filled a jug with a 125 with 3000
speeds we could see? Was wondering how well they held up. It must
be real good with all the comments...
With all the talk about this little bullet
I felt it prudent to load some and see what I
could get. I shot these off my back pack as a
rest on the gas line this morning. A very accurate
bullet indeed. Skid
I believe the .33"s are an excellent all around
Caliber. However guns are tools and different tools for different
Jobs.I wouldn't use a sledge hammer to drive tacks...
I still love my .340 go for it.
I always sort my bullets thru the comparator first by ogive
then load to my ogive seating measurement. I still target a COAL
but as Darkhorse said tip varation changes the COAL every time.
After 6 months I have some Accubonds
coming from BPS.
Never loading these in my .340 I hope they
are all I think they will be. I cant wait.
Skid :mrgreen:
Scarce....You aint kidding.
I did get some from Dixie Gun Works while
I am searching, they are a little undersize and load rather easy
however they do shoot well.
I almost forgot how fun is is to shoot the BP again they were
looking neglected in the gun safe. Thanks
I know I should be using the Wanted section
but I thought I would have better luck here.
Looking to buy 2 T/C maxi ball molds #7290 .50
and 7292 .54 . I need the 54 bad.
If anyone is willing to part with them shoot me a
PM, Thanks Skid