Try 41.8 at 2.800......
Nosler 165 BT's or 165 SGK's
Dr. Mike was right 8208 was a decent powder for .308
almost as good as Varget.
I got pressure before I got a 2nd node in my 700
it builds pressure fast be careful. That's my experience
in my gun.
Mike Lucas makes the best bore guides I have ever used
he has made several for me. Here's the info were I contacted him
Mike Lucas
Please use E-mail if possible.
225 Browns River Road
Lexington, SC 29072
After reading several knowledgeable members posts about BT's I decided
to try some with know powders and chgs.
My favorite load of varget and the Accubonds didn't do as well as I hoped
but the 8208 did well except for the monkeys in both the groups.
Accubonds w/Varget & BT's w/8208. Cant wait to...
I bought it to try cause no Varget.
I read the same thing about not
being temp sensitive. Don't forget
to post you findings when you get going
I'm interested how it will work for you. It pressured
up quickly for me. Good Shooting
One thing I forgot..
In MY testing I found a significant increase in velocity as
temps went up....45 deg to 73 deg. I had speeds of 50-70 fps
faster at 73 same load I did it because we had huge temps swings that week I was shooting.
I have the targets dated with temp and speeds in my
I have had good results using 8208 almost as good as Varget.
Anything over 42.5 started to open up 41.8 was real good but I settled on 42.2.
I used SMK 168 for initial testing I'm sure PT's would do as well. Skid
This is also they way I do it. If I want to work to a max load I use case head measurements
to tell me when to stop. And use a mic not calipers unless you got good ones. Heavy lift means you got problems that are dangerous. It aint worth it. Start over. Measure for COAL with your chosen bullet...