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  1. M

    Neck Tension

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a good friend who is having problems with his triple deuce. I feel his neck tension is way too high. Is there a "standard" neck tension? I mean is a thou or two about right? The man recently purchased a very expensive set of dies and the rifles accuracy went to...
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    Suggestions for .308 Win load

    OP, Have you tried working on seating depth yet? Maybe you can find the perfect seating depth to close up an already accurate load.
  3. M

    .30-06 150 grain Accubond on Elk

    I have seen two elk killed deader than a doornail with a 257 Roberts using 120 gr partitions. My son and I both use the 150 grn accubond out of our M-1 Garands and the Garands use a mediocre load in the first place, around 2650 fps. We have not shot an elk with it yet but the deer and bears...
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    Ladies and Gentlemen, I need help

    Thank you everybody. It seems to me that there are a lot of good people on this site. It is a pleasant surprise for me.
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    Ladies and Gentlemen, I need help

    I found 2 pounds of universal clays, loaded a handful of 230gn ball and shot them this morning. Max load with a good crimp shoots well and is pretty darn clean. Thank you all for the help, time to work the press.
  6. M

    257 Roberts Load Develpment

    I just don't understand why people overlook the 25s for good accurate hunting rifles. It seems nobody loves the quarters anymore. My 257 Roberts is my favorite rifle in the gun cabinet.
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    Ladies and Gentlemen, I need help

    Thank you for the help. Tomorrow I will be going to all the powder dealers in the Bitterroot valley. JW
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    Ladies and Gentlemen, I need help

    I have added all powder suggestion and I will go shopping this weekend to see if I can find any pistol type powder. While talking to a powder supplier last Saturday he told me it may be as long as two years before any of us will be able to find 231. Good luck on the hunt for powder. JW Semper Fi
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    Ladies and Gentlemen, I need help

    Very good, thank you. I will start a list and then go around the valley to see what I can find.
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    Ladies and Gentlemen, I need help

    I usually keep my reloading supplies stocked well enough that I have everything I need to keep my family in ammunition for a year. I am not a hoarder and I do not own an ammunition fort. My problem is I ran out of W231 for the 5 45ACPs we have in the family. Would the forum please suggest a...
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    Locating Turkeys?

    I am not sure of your calling ability. Instead of trying to call the toms to your position, aggressively call the dominant hen. You should be able to hear the hens on flydown. Once they fly down they will congregate and enjoy the morning squabble. At this point, you need to use kee kee runs...
  12. M

    7mm rem mag

    I shoot 63.3 grains of H4831 behind a mollied 160 grain Accubond, CCI large rifle mag primers. I don't have any pictures but the results are the same as the target shown above. I don't own a chrono so I can't say what the speeds are out of a 24" barrel. Good luck finding that perfect load, It is...
  13. M

    243AI vS 257rob

    It is kind of silly, but my favorite rifle is my 257 rob. The rifle is just a pleasure to shoot and it covers everything from rats to elk in our case.
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    243AI vS 257rob

    I have witnessed a 257 rob kill 2 elk with 120 grn nos partitions on top of a full load of H4831. The rifle is a ruger m77 lightweight with a 20" barrel. Both elk were shot at about 260 yards and both died within feet of the impact. You probably realize I am voting for the 257. Nobody loves the...
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    .45 ACP Brass & bullets

    Ckeck for the brass and montana gold bullets for 230 gr. fmjs good luck
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    IWB holster........recommendations please!

    Take a look at Theis holdsters, My son and I both carry with them, well made and a little less expensive than other names.
  17. M

    45 debate: 1911 or Sig

    A sig P220 is a DA/SA. That is a big plus in some situations.
  18. M

    Load suggestions for CFE223 in 223 Rem

    I use 26 grains of CFE223 for 62gr fmj loads. This load shoots well for the 5 ar platform rifles in my family. I don't think it is required, but I use small rifle magnum primer with this load.
  19. M

    257 Roberts trying my patience

    I have a 257 rob that shot 110 accubonds as well as a production rifle should shoot. All of a sudden I could not group a set of 5 rounds within 3" at 100 yds. I started working with my rifle, free floating(stock had warped with not doubt about it) new stock, boyds laminate, glass bed, re-shoot...
  20. M

    M1 Garand Loads?

    A couple of things that have not been mentioned is if you are recieving once fired military brass, the primers may be crimped. I use my brass knurler to remove the crimp because I hate my RCBS primer pocket swage. Second, an M-1 Garand can slamfire although I have never seen it happen. A lot of...