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  1. Ridgerunner665

    Covid shot

    I had to get it last Friday... not having it was causing issues at work, they are pushing vaccinations hard....I made it crystal clear to them I did not want the shot, but I got it because I couldn't afford not to. I got the J&J shot at 1000 Friday morning, by 1500 that evening I was sick...
  2. Ridgerunner665

    Has anyone have ABLR's....

    .75 moa in my 280 Ackley... same as every other load I've ever shot in that rifle, that's with 168's. Not much development went into that load, just RL 26 and loaded to 3.34". Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  3. Ridgerunner665

    Not Feeling It

    I'm not much motivated towards hunting either, didn't hunt much last year, just enough to get the meat we was more of a chore though instead of something I looked forward to. I've been spending all my time and energy on fishing the past few years... once you get the boat paid for its...
  4. Ridgerunner665

    E-Tips BC not as advertised?

    Applied Ballistics is some of the best money I ever spent (the app)... the custom drag models are great, not free, but well worth the little they cost for the bullets they're available for. Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  5. Ridgerunner665

    35 Whelen vs. 35 Whelen AI vs. 338-06

    I was reading thru this thread and remembered an article I read a while back...35 HCR magnum...basically a 338 Win Mag necked up to 35 caliber. I liked it's numbers...250 grain bullet at 2,850 or so if I remember right, and less recoil than a 375 H&H. I expect that would scratch a 35 caliber...
  6. Ridgerunner665

    H322 powder?

    I liked it in 45-70. Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  7. Ridgerunner665

    Is Herter's brass made by Norma?

    I haven't put it to the test yet... but I'm told Peterson brass is pretty tough stuff... I've got a few boxes just haven't had time to try it out much yet. No idea if it's in stock anywhere, just throwing it out there that it might be an option. Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  8. Ridgerunner665

    280AI data

    That will be like a laser at that elevation. Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  9. Ridgerunner665


    The only rifle I've ever owned that would produce a true 1 hole group, on more than one occasion, was a bone stock FN produced Model 70 in 30-06...I put it in a McMillan stock and bedded the action, but it was all factory otherwise. 58.5 grains of H4350 under a 168 Ballistic Tip was the...
  10. Ridgerunner665

    Rifle building advice

    Keep the Creedmoor!!! It's real beauty is that it's easy to shoot well... light recoil...that is a VERY good quality to have in a rifle. A 7mm will not replace the Creedmoor, it'll just pick up where it leaves off. Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  11. Ridgerunner665

    Rifle building advice

    Yes... You can get 7mm bullets up to 195 grains, they require at least a 1 in 8 twist barrel, and barrel length matters too... no less than 26 inches for a rifle such as you're describing... those bullets have EXCELLENT ballistic coefficients.... they'll do you well for 1500 yard targets, or...
  12. Ridgerunner665

    Rifle building advice

    Don't rule out 7mm rounds... even the plain vanilla 280 Remington, but there's also 280 Ackley, 7mm Rem Mag, 7mm STW, etc. Nothing at all wrong with 30 and 338 calibers, but they do tend to come with increased recoil over 7mm. If I were building one today, it'd be a 7mm Rem Mag. Sent from my...
  13. Ridgerunner665

    Nosler , Bend Oregon

    The problem with moving out is they're running out of places to run to. The nation is at a place where we've lost ALL the population centers in every state... in some states that's not yet enough to sway the overall vote, but in most it is enough. We are losing, may have already lost even...
  14. Ridgerunner665

    Finally had a Kimber that wouldn't shoot

    Never owned one but happened to be at the range one day and there was a guy there having a hard time with his (280 Ackley), one of those really lightweight models, I forget the model name, but it was a Kimber. After he shot up a box of ammo with poor results, he asked me to try it and see if I...
  15. Ridgerunner665

    LEOSA (HR-218)

    I'm no LEO of any sort, but I read somewhere that the NJ hollowpoint ban didn't apply to bullets like the Hornady FlexTip bullets (rubber in the hollowpoint)... can anyone confirm that? Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  16. Ridgerunner665

    44 Rem Mag and 240gr JSP Info in Lever Actions

    Ramshot Enforcer or Accurate 4100 (same powder, different labels) will get you a little more than what #9 will.... pretty much matching H110/296, but seems to be easier to get burning. I'm really liking those Ramshot and Accurate powders in handguns these days. Sent from my SM-G986U using...
  17. Ridgerunner665

    Gun safe humidity

    Mine do stay well oiled with either CLP or Ballistol... they're in there sometimes up to 3 months without me being home to check on them, but I do give them a wipe down with an oily rag and an oily patch down the barrel every trip home. My wife likes giving me a hard time about how OCD I am...
  18. Ridgerunner665

    Gun safe humidity I understand it... humidity alone isn't really the thing that causes problems, its when the temp inside the safe gets cool enough for the humidity to condense onto the guns that things go south. I've never checked the humidity in my safe, but I've never had a gun rust in it. Sent...
  19. Ridgerunner665

    Gun safe humidity

    I use a Golden Rod, but my safe is in a temperature controlled area of my house. I check it every time I go home to make sure the Golden Rod is still warm... no idea how long they last, or even how long I've had it.... quite a few years, but it still works. Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  20. Ridgerunner665

    25-06, MRP, and 110 bullets

    I use MRP in two 270's, one is my wife's and one belongs to a friend...its a good powder for anything up to a 7mm bullet in an 06 case, and I've heard it works pretty good even in the 30-06 itself, with bullets over 200 grains. I've played around with it in the 280 Ackley too, if I ran out of...