I've always been lucky with Kimbers. My first was an M84 in 7mm08 that was a bughole grouper with Hornady LM ammo. I've owned an 84L Classic in .270 that was perfection and another 8400 Classic Stainless in 300 WSM that is another joy ( I gave both of those to my grand daughter) I had recently found a used Kimber 8400 Classic in 300 WSM for a very reasonable price at a LGS. It checked out physically in perfect shape. I found out, the hard way (burning up precious components I might add) it has a very minimum spec chamber, so I run into pressure long before any meaningful velocity. I never had a "group" smaller than 2 1/2 inches. I tried Hornady 165 SST, Barnes 130, 150, 168. 175 LRX and TTSXs and had new WW brass, all sorted by weight and neck turned. Bummer. I sold that puppy off. I'm going to wait a bit and try another Bergara B14 in 300 WM. I had one in the B14 Hunter last year, great shooter. This time around I think I'm going to try the B14 Ridge Wilderness, also in 300WM. I have plenty of 300WM brass, dies, etc. I think the bit of extra weight will help for shots from 300 to 500. ( I never shoot at unwounded game past 350 or so, but like to know where my rifle hits out to 500 in case I wound one that needs finishing. OR, everything is perfect, from my rifles rest to the wind, animal position, the stars aligned and my mouth is set right.
In meantime, I had bought a new 84L Hunter in .270 to wring out. about to go to the range.