Caught Yet "Another" Great Deal!

Thank you Sir! Very informative, and I agree with you on the tenacity of any elk!
Well , my Mod 700 Classic '06 is ready at the Smith's. I also received the B14 Hunter 7 RM, will drop it off Saturday when I pick up the '06. I was headed there yesterday with it and to p/u the '06, when I got one of those Pastoral ER Calls. One of my best friends/supporters/Church member had a Heart attack and Passed. He and his wife/Son has been with me for 32+ years. Its hard on the flesh, though I am confident he is with the Lord. Great, great Man of God. 75 yrs young too.
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Well , my Mod 700 Classic '06 is ready at the Smith's. I also received the B14 Hunter 7 RM, will drop it off Saturday when I pick up the '06. I was headed there yesterday with it and to p/u the '06, when I got one of those Pastoral ER Calls. One of my best friends/supporters/Church member had a Heart attack and Passed. He and his wife/Son has been with me for 32+ years. Its hard on the flesh, though I am confident he is with the Lord. Great, great Man of God. 75 yrs young too.
Sorry for the passing of your friend/fellow church member. Great comfort in knowing someone has trusted Christ as Savior. Phil. 4:7
Hope your 30-06 and 7mag do everything you want them to. Dan.