Is Herter's brass made by Norma?


Aug 19, 2012
Just checking, I can find some in 338 win mag, but is this Brand considered "soft"? Example, I have found Federal very soft, and some Norma calibers seem softer than others? Anyone know if Herter's can stand up to 64K for 3-4 firings? Thanks, curious. ( I've always preferred old Winchester brand for hotter loads, even RWS)
I have asked that same question on several forums. A while back I got a great deal on Herter's 7x57 Mauser brass. Over on 24 hour campfire gun writer John Barsness confirmed the fact that Herter's brass was made by Norma. The boxes mine came in were marked, "Made in Sweden." I'm saving mine for a special load that duplicate the original 1893 load of 173 gr. round nose at 2300 FPS for use in a custom Mauser made to look like a pre-war rifle.
So, if your Herter's brass has Made in Sweden on the box, then yes, it was made by Norma. FWIW, it took me almost three years asking on various sites before John spoke up. I do know some Norma brass has been on the soft side, especially brass for the 6.4x54MS by Norma. Just matching factory level load would have brass giving up the ghost in three loadings. Just too soft in the case head with loose primer pockets. Very accurate while it lasted though.
Paul B.
I haven't put it to the test yet... but I'm told Peterson brass is pretty tough stuff... I've got a few boxes just haven't had time to try it out much yet.

No idea if it's in stock anywhere, just throwing it out there that it might be an option.

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Thanks guys! I won't have any trouble finding the older Winchester made brass, just was curious about Herter made. I have seen them from time to time and very reasonably priced "comparatively", ha. Crazy world huh?
Cool. I've had great results from Norma's brass in 300 WSM and 257 Weatherby.

Just saw the Herter's 338WM again, says "Made in Sweden" on the box. Yep, Norma.